Opie: highschool and college graduate. Ant & Jim: dropouts

1  2018-10-16 by DamonTyler

Opie: married a (cis)woman and had a family
Ant & Jim: old lonely men attracted to trannys

Opie: drinks in moderation.
Ant: raging alcoholic
Jim: dry drunk.

Opie: keeps his political opinions to himself. Ant: won't shut up about his for the last 10 years Jim: changes his opinion depending on whose around


DamonTyler: pays attention to what everyone else has been saying for years now.

mudpart2: forgets the years this sub used to claim greg is a fat titted cuckold who actively ruined the show up until a few months ago

thats still true, nothings really changed except some retards decided to take the shitty opie bit as literal

Show me one example of this.

are you joking

you got nothing

No need to be hostile brotherman

Sir, I mean no ill will. I apologize if my comment came off as snarky.


Take a chill pill, homie.

But the gentleman that called you nigger was correct in his assessment.

Guys, guys, kiss each other

We're all about fresh thinking and healthy eating at Pita Pit.

Very damning.

Sounds like a conspiracy

Breaking news: Opie is more well-adjusted than a pedophile and an attention seeking faggot.

you're a retard.

Opie just wants to fish and drink his grapefruit beer

and somehow opie is still the stupidest one.