When Norton talks about the subreddit he always says "Those guys hate me :|" in a cadence similar to a female fishing for you to reaffirm her.

1  2018-10-16 by RapistWithHIV



Me when i hit 127 lbs


Haha im soo fuckin fat u have no clue

A picture of your genitals would elucidate us

WhippingHuskies would love/pummel you right now.

He never had much testosterone to begin with, but what little he did have went away years ago.

It seems like it all started when he lost all the weight by cutting protein out of his diet.

I can reaffirm her, I hate you jim norton and dont listen to your stupid stand up or radio show you pos half a faggot.

I’m so ugly :(



Hey, don’t call out anybody’s name on this subreddit.

Gavin haaaates me! sniff

Lots of people hate Norton, should just list the 5 people who say they like him but probably really don't.

He cried on insta like a real fruit. His cooking thing was just more hard evidence of his pure faggot nature. What a dump he lives in. I guess it's a great place to have guys fuck him up his fag ass.

He's done that with several female guests too eg. Taylor Vixen. The fact she never once responded to it brought me joy. You're spit on. That's exactly what he does it