“Dude, Ariana, I GENUINELY didn’t send pics of us fucking to Mac Miller. I never even SAW the nudes you sent me. I might have fapped to them once, but I don’t remember. Anyways, this is just SCUMBAGS on tumblr trying to start shit. I’m not even lying, I would absolutely tell you if I was lying.”

1  2018-10-16 by ProfessorChipperson


So he killed his dad AND an Mac? This man is worse than Patton.

Look, me and Mac... and I don’t wanna motherfuck the guy, but...

9-11 could not have happened to a nicer person.

I’ve never seen a non-albino look so incredibly albino.

He looks like a bigger version of Chris katan.

What the hell is he? He looks like Dave Chapelle in whiteface.

A kike

Fucking downs syndrome dracula

I wish some jew broad would fight him

Butthole eyes.