Trailer for the Comedy Cellar show on Comedy Central. Nice unmitigated dogshit, stupid

1  2018-10-16 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK


In the trailer are there overrated comedians sitting around a table, drinking sprites, eating chicken wings, and being brutalllll to one another?

"Nice shirt, stupid"

"Nice shoes, stupid"

"Shut up, stupid"

"Good one, stupid"

The giant woman at he end frightened and confused me

Not sure what makes me more angry, the women or Sherrod.

What about Godfrey slapping the table and H-HOLY SHIT-ing?

There goes the mystique and aura of the place. O&A and podcasts made it seem like a dark smoky nightclub in which only the best of the best hone their craft in the toughest no bullshitting city in the world. You don’t dare walk past that table. Louie furthered that image. But now the Cellar has been reimagined as a well lit chuckle hut filled with cheerful colors that looks exactly the same as every chain restaraunt in America. It might as well be an Applebee’s. Noam sucks as much as the shitty hacks featured in this trailer.

But now the Cellar has been reimagined as a well lit chuckle hut filled with cheerful colors that looks exactly the same as every chain restaraunt in America.

Well put, stupid. (I mean it well put.)

Don't light the audience. People want to sit in the dark so they can laugh at whatever without being judged. Soon as they show the brightly-lit crowd, they're going to put people off.


Just a bunch of tortured souls practicing their craft on the fringes of society, man.