1  2018-10-15 by YeIsAltRight


Shocking that a hot, insanely rich woman who is one of the most famous people on earth would be thinking about her previous, better looking, more talented, less butthole eyes-y boyfriend whose father did not perish in a national tragedy.

By the way, I have no idea who Mac Miller is, so if he has two wrinkled buttholes for eyes and his dad died in the Oklahoma City Bombing, I apologize.

He does and he did. Boy don't you feel foolish?

better looking

all i see is a different flavor of wigger. Then again pistol-in-his-mouth pete is no looker by far

You thought Mac Miller was hot and bought his music. That’s all.

If she ends up killing two wiggers in less than 2 months she should be getting a grammy every year for the rest of her life.

She LOOOOOOVES white trash

If Pete Davidson ends up killing himself over this I will tongue her hairy asshole.

and gnaw on the fresh clinging dingles?

We'll see where the evening goes.

“She realized she needs a grown-up who can support her and that’s not him."

support her

Isn't this bitch a millionaire?

I'd say that's a safe bet.

Yeah they mean emotionally. She wanted a shoulder to cry on about her exs death, not an immature douchebag like pete who probably said something like "too many cooks spoil the broth, now take me out to nobu and buy me cristal to commiserate" when he heard the news.

i recently dealt with someone like this, girl was going thru dark times and sought out to me....i tried but couldn’t deal with her because her troubles were really dark, it affected me emotionally as well: in other words Pete is now emotionally fucked by this bitch too-Mac Miller 2.0

got cucked by his heroes husband,a black priest, and a ghost.

This Pete Davidson fellow is quite repulsive to look at.

Pete looks like a faggot

Nice butthole eyes, stupid

Tragedies really suck when you’re in a relationship. You’re put in a shitty spot as the one who’s not sharing the grief. You gotta deal with their genuine feelings of guilt and sadness, which is the easy part to deal with if you’re a human. It gets tricky though when they start acting like they’re sad and heartbroken because they think they’re supposed to feel that way even though you can tell they’re not sad or heartbroken or at least not to the extent they’re pretending to be. It only gets worse when they just start flat out using it for attention. The worst comes when they start using it as an emotionally manipulative weapon to attack everything about you. Then they dump you and portray you publicly as an asshole even though you really did love her. She paints you as emotionally insensitive when the truth is there’s no one self loathing enough to give such an entitled emotionally immature brat whatever whimsical support she’s seeking at any given moment. Sucks for her. Sucks for him. But what an immature cunt she is to have her representatives publicly portray him as the bad guy.

Nice essay stupid.

I deserved that.

Is that what your therapist told you, maaan?

Nice cleavage, stupid

This article says she's 25 and he's 24???

I thought she was around 21 and he was like 35.