1  2018-10-15 by getbetterinlife


It’s just impossible for them to be funny.

why would 15 year olds be horrified at that? I don't get it

If they are one of the lazy ethnics they are probably worried there is less time to breed welfare checks

OK I'll give her this: It's not great but it's not a terrible joke. It's typical self-centered female comedy but I don't hate her. Also I find her dishy so I guess I'm a pederast now.

"hebephile" ~Dr Anthony Cumia from the pederast center of Roslyn.

After re-reading it, I think my misogyny got the best of me, it’s decent.

The only reason mine didn't get the better of me is because she's cute.

Holy fucking shit she actually does.

Legs like a Roman soldier.

A few decades of campaigning across Gaul or somethin

Worn out asshole like one too.

At least it didn't mention her pussy or how awful men are.

I get it. She looks young...Tee hee!

I would take her to pound-town but that really isn't funny.

When I was a teenager I would not be "horrified" to hit on a 22 year old. Everybody had a teacher in HS they wanted to fuck that was probably around 30 or older. It doesn't even make sense.

she's way to fat to be an attractive child

horrific 22 year old cunts

THE Katie Hemming!? No way guys, it's THE Katie Hemming!!!!!

In what universe does she look like a 15 year old?

Why would the 15 year old be horrified?

Nice hairstyle, stupid

What about the 3rd group,pertaining me and many other members on this sub, the people who hit on her and get stoked that’s she’s 22.