Everyone laughing at (not with) Nana the junkie on her own show behind her back

1  2018-10-14 by NondenominationalBen


Oh boy

So the xanax and alcohol abuse is confirmed now??

Sounded like pain killers are the culprit

Hopefully mixed with xanax and booze.


With a toe attachment!

in a mirror

Its rhymes with fill yourself!


That doesn't sound like a good idea at all!

Always a fantastic combo for someone who already has a bum ticker.

Pretty much. Look at neutral Landau's reaction to Gavin's honesty. Gavin was clearly in damage control mode with his "I might be exaggerating..." bit at the end. Wouldn't wanna step on those vibrating egg shells.

vibrating egg shells

Is that a new thing? Shit, that is a good one.

Dave Landau looks like the chubby kid from 2 and a half men

You should see his wife!

Two and a Half Tons

2 and a Half Chins

Moo & a calf... men

What the fuck...that was actually listenable

I always liked Gavin. This Proud Boys shit is nonsense, and he was trying to be the right wing John Oliver for awhile. But at times he was actually funny, and I thought him and Ant worked well together. If you think about it the Compound Media Network was doing well with Gavin and LOS. But that lasted only so long, and the content on there now really is garbage.


I still don't understand what a Proud Boy is.


just a group of proud homosexual fellas

Neo-Nazis who also like a pecker in their mouth.

Why can't they just take a tip from Brother Joe, and join the Big Apple Ranch?

They aren't even cool enough to be Neo-Nazis. They're more like uninformed republicans.

It's an inside joke which retards take seriously for some reason.

Gavin cosplaying as L Ron Hubbard.

It's a fag that wears Fred Perry polos


The start of TGMS was a beautiful train wreck. Gavin was ALWAYS drunk as fuck and didn't give a shit about offending ANYONE! I still think he is very funny but god damn, those train wreck drunk episodes were incredible.

Can't wait to see what Anthony responds with to the (new) b-b-b-boyz on Twitter. Oh, wait...

Anthony really should try to get Gavin as his co-host. It's the only way to have an relevancy and make a good show.

Gavin has drive and ambition, that scares Anthony.

When Gavin & LOS left the network, goodbye relevancy hello obscurity.

Gavin did provide good content for 2 years or however long he was there, I torrented daily

He sometimes annoys me but he can put out an entertaining half hour no problem, especially when he was uncensored. I haven't watched any full episodes of his new show GOML or whatever it is but from the clips I seen seem way more tame than when he was at the Compound

GOML sucks.

Hey relevance is the word. Relevancy is out of fashion and will get you tuts at your next box social

He did. Oh wait, he didn't. He had Gavin and instead of doing a show together like you guys wanted, Anthony had everyone doing their own solo shows like he's reporting on the nightly news. Anthony has the business sense of a dumb shithead.

You could say he has the business sense of a trashy Long Island wop who smoked crack with his mother.

Hey he got like 3 years of formal high school education then a decade of hard knocks while slacking off at his construction job and stealing from his employer.

Well he is a dumb shithead

He probably did, but couldn't afford him. As much as we make fun of Gavin for his Proudboys gang, he has a much keener eye for business and built himself a loyal cult like following based around more than just black crime statistics and Columbo jokes. Gavin's name is actually worth something unlike Ant's which is why he skims the bottom of the barrel for washed up has beens, or never beens.

But Nana's a junkie now....he has no drive to make his show good. It's about the pills now.

Poor Garrett. Does he still work there?

Davr landau fucking sucks

And he has a fat wife.

It bugs me that Gavin's funny sometimes

Ohhhh the good old days when one banana did the trick.

Now it takes 3 simultaneously.

And now no bananas means youre super sick.

Weed cookies and booze kind of levels that out

Dave is walking on anthills there

Anthills was tried like 2 years ago, it didn't catch on. Neither did Shelly for Opie and peggshells was kind of in for a second, but then quickly fell out of favor.

I just thought I'd go old school.

Hey, good effort.

Stop the jokes, he needs them pain!

My plan to make CM media the mouthpiece for this sub is nearly complete.

wtf, I love gavin now. Daves uncomfortable body language as he potentially watches his meal ticket get burned before his eyes, is so perfect.

That's one low priced meal

He's used to $1 menus because of who he is married to.

Who would have thought Cumia losing his twitter would turn him into a pain killer junkie. I guess the emotional pain of not being able to share fbi black crime statistics became too much

Hey don't you realize that there are people walking around out there unaware that the moon landing control room was 100% caucasian? It's the most important fact on Earth, and now who's going to tell them?????

I like how Gavin doesn't give a shit because he knew he was the biggest thing on Ant's dumb platform.

yes he is

Oh wow...I just might sub for one month to get access to this episode.

Also I wonder if Gavin will lose his new shows at CRTV because of the recent Proud Boys controversy...

here's the full video episode .. http://rockfile.co/fd6e83fauezm.html

My only issues with Gavin are the Proud Boys and his bullshit claim that he’s a Christian now. The stuff he wrote for Vice was hilarious, as were some of the videos he did with them/shortly after leaving them. He should go back to focusing on culture commentary.

Can't deny his Thing is funny, but for me it's just overkill. Obsessing about other obsessors all day every day is just as tedious as they are. I'm just sick of the whole mess. These days I bolt in the opposite direction the second there's a hint of it anywhere.

I went back to school recently, and nothing shocks me more that none of that shit ever comes up. Who'd a thunk a bunch of millennials would have the sense to leave that shit for the twitter faggots (I assumed most of them would be twitter faggots). What an unexpected relief.

Buncha fucking boring dads. Who would pay for this crock of shit?

this crock of shit

Of all the things we call the different shows we don't like, I am really liking this one.

Thanks. Going back to grandma vocabulary for this one

A lot of people wanted and Gavin and Anthony to host a show together. I mean, literally the last people on earth who gave two shits about Anthony told him directly but they wanted him to do in order to keep them listening. And he didn’t do it. Teaming up with Gavin was one of several things people said they would have enjoyed, he did none of them. Enjoy increasing obscurity.

How a guy with such a happy life would ended up addicted to drugs?!

Looking and Landau all squirming and afraid of the nana-bashing brings me so much joy. He's so scared for the only shitty gig he can get.

Gavin was funny but the two guys on the right are useless.

it's not all fun and games at the nursing home

Jesus Nana went full Artie Lange

download the full video of this episode here.. http://rockfile.co/fd6e83fauezm.html

Wow. Read about it the other day but never imagined he'd go that hard. On his own show, that is some shit right there.

If it were anyone else they might be able to laugh it off and take the "ribbing". But Ant's not exactly known for having that quality. At least not any more. Mention his bombing and you're 1) wrong 2) a hater. Mention Sue and he seethes so much he fantasizes about finding you and biting your eyes out.

She went to the surgeon for her annual nigger-faggot operation.
"You'll have to remove the egg or I won't be able to get my johnson in there, ma'am."

Pretty good bit. Is Muscles Missy getting these pills illicitly you guys think or going to a Rite-Aid or wherever to pill a script? Let's dish!



I said CVS??

No, you edited it.

I've been exposed. :(

Anthony has been reduced to a living joke at this advanced stage of his life and career. You might be inclined to feel sorry for him if he weren’t such a creepazoid.

At 5'7 Gavin towers over these little fellas


Xanthony loves his pills!

They spent so much time and money getting Artie when they shoulda been trying to keep Gavin. Love or hate his politics he's entertaining as fuck and probably the biggest thing at the platform at the time

I hope Missy got pilled up Ant to make her the executor of his Will.

in a mirror