Pinnacle of faggotry

1  2018-10-14 by instarembling


Did anyone watch his gay rant at some college when he was on stage with Milo Yanwhateverthefuck? It was so goddamn embarrassing. He was trying to have a Bill Burr moment and failed spectacularly. I do like some of his "change my mind" videos, though.

Oh yeah I remember that, it was a Gamergate thing. It was him, Milo, and Christina Hoff-Sommers I think her name is, a conservative feminist. The crowd was booing Milo or something and he thought he'd roast them.

Yeah, he was on stage with Milo and Christine Hoff Summers. People actually thought he was good in that clip and we're posting it daily. Fuck outta here, cringy at best. Good Burr analogy btw

it took you longer to write 'whateverthefuck' than it would've taken to google 'milo'

No it didn't.

you google like sloths fuck


i just read about sloths they're actually pretty good


He's alt-lite bullshit. "feminism is retarded" gee thanks for educating me

Yeah, but it's fun to see him make people lose their shit on college campuses just by asking questions.

I can't stand Ben Shapiro. Him with his moral high ground. As he stares down his Jew beak in judgment


That midget doesn't stare down at anything.

Did you know when he goes out to eat he brings his own food?

Yes it's funny to watch people who've moved on from college go back and outsmart college kids.


Yes it's funny to watch people who've moved on from college go back and outsmart college kids.

Why not? Those kids are the current regurgitate of their marxist professors and they'll be the next lot of Liberal clones who push Feminism, socialism, Antifa and BLM.

Do you know anybody who went to college? Most of them leave, get jobs, and figure things out.

Well we always whine when people we like get fired or in trouble because of liberal faggotry, so why are we trying to trash the people who are trying to combat liberal faggotry? Didn't we just lose are shit when Norm got in trouble?

We hate everybody, stupid.

Based irony bro.

[removed] Second kid blows him the fuck out to the point where Crowder chimps out at him. Crowder sucks he isn't intelligent he just a right liberal. Conservativism is not about the markets it's about traditionalism and living in paradigms that align themselves with science.

Yeah that's really good. He goes on little Nick Fuentes' show sometimes too and is a smart good.

Nicker nation

I've only watched a few of his videos but it seems like he goes into them with a lot of preparation and information to back up whatever his position is. Then he asks random kids to prove him wrong. If he comes across somebody who can hold their own, he becomes argumentative and eventually cuts them off. I have to image he edits out the conversations were people outsmart him.

There's a good one about socialism with this kid called Youssef or Yusuf where the kid is making good points and Crowder just starts to act bizarre and aggressive. It's really good.

I saw that. He probably couldn't edit that conversation out because it was in front of a crowd. With his normal set up he can cut conversations out entirely or alter the video to make the other person look stupid. As long as you have two camera angles, it's extremely easy to manipulate a conversation and take sound bites out of context.

I hate so much in that convo where he keeps getting up in his face and making this demented grin.

He's alt-lite bullshit. "feminism is retarded" gee thanks for educating me

Really were you actually looking for someone to educate you, you do nothing faggot?

And this is why retarded feminists are winning, because they're united in their bullshit while our side is full of insecure edgelords who think anyone who proactively pushes back is an arrogant egotist who thinks they're better than them.





The left wing in the United States is anything but united.

Feminists are united. They can destroy anyone with an unfounded accusation. While we're too busy posturing and dick measuring.

MDE refugee REDPILLS the entire O&A subreddit on the unity of the left! (2018 COMPILATION)

leftists rely on sarcasm because when they express their views plainly they sound like faggots

Feminists are united.

Like hell they are, there's plenty of division inside the feminist community.

Women will never be united in anything.


You wouldn't guess it from most of the humor here, but over the past 6 months or year the sub has become majority left/liberal. The top two mods are outright anti-T.rump fanatics and delete content that attacks sjws and sjw topics and steered the sub here to fit their views. Take your downvote lesson here, if you start calling shit out they swarm.

Imagine being this paranoid.

About what? One of the mods is specifically deleting the Tomlinson threads because he thinks it's "turning the sub into anti-SJW" (paraphrase) and this was confirmed by a current active mod. You may be late to the party but this is fairly well known info at this point.

Imagine being this paranoid

Check the image i linked in my other post. That post was del'd by a mod within 10 minutes.

You could have just deleted it and claimed

check my profile, the post is still there. It's shadowbanned on the sub by a mod.




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Jesus, are you still lurking around here bitching about Social Justice Warriors? Move on you fucking loser. You aren't saying anything a trillion other dumbfucks haven't pointed out. You are crying censorship on a sub that is yearly listed as one of the most toxic subs. This is one of the few forums on the internet where you would be surprised if words like nigger and faggot weren't being used.

Read the text in the screenshot i posted before it gets deleted

when you can't say " you're paranaoid and delusional" anymore so you resort to "who cares you loser"

I'm not "crying censorship," I didn't use the word "censorship" or see it in those terms.

Seek help, seriously.

r/Chapotraphouse posters use that line in r/cumtown when they're out of anything to respond with. Funny seeing it here.

There is nothing to respond to. The shadow people aren't real, bud. You have a condition. We used to call people like you "touched", but those darn SJWS, am I right!?!?

What claim am I making that's paranoid or delusional? Respond directly to it. Or if you don't care and I'm that ridiculous, you wouldn't dignify me with a response. You argue like a liberal faggot.




Mine's bigger than yours though, for realz

Nice giant blank spot under your text. Hit the Return key a few more times, stupid

But the vid I watched said he DESTROYED that SJW, so how can that be?

What the fuck are you doing in this sub? I guess it's true that cumtown did bring you riff raff in here.

Not exactly, was a fan of O and A as a teenager and still find their old clips funny. I just wasn't aware that this sub reflected the views I have of the old crew and Sam. Now I know.


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Has anyone posted his awkward argument with Joe Rogan about weed?

It made Joe looks worse. I think Crowder just made a point that weed isnt some perfect miracle plant and Joe flipped out cause he was drunk.

I was thinking more about Crowder's defensiveness over Joe asking Jamie to google something. He felt that Joe asking someone to look up a relevant study was him getting ganged up on.

Do you expect him to cave and say "Oh well I guess I'm wrong about weed and everyone should totally smoke it including toddlers" just because Joe can find a study?

I expected him to address the study and not get defensive over Rogan asking Jamie to google something.

And how would he properly address the study? If you were on his show and Joe said "Sodomy causes cancer" and you disagreed and Joe has a google buddy ready to show you a study would you stop being gay?

You say that I didn't know that and will look into it?

So I can say any fantastica/bogus/clearly false thing and so long as I have a study you'll look into it? I think you are a liar.

fucking christ I went back and watched the clip. They were fighting over car deaths in Colorado. Crowder said car deaths had increased since pot was legalized, Joe had Jamie google articles to find out if its true. Jamie pulls up a Washington Post article that said deaths had actually gone down. Crowder said that an article on his website disproves the Washington Post. Jamie googles that and finds a link to a study Crowder cites as proof of his claim, but the article doesn't link car deaths to pot and instead attributes it to more people driving because of low gas prices. Jamie points this out and Crowder starts getting mad because he feels ganged up on and tells Joe that Jamie shouldn't be allowed to talk while a guest is in studio. My suggestion to Crowder is that, if you are going to make videos or articles about weed and other controversial topics, know what is in the studies you are citing before publishing them. And don't say the host doesn't know how to run a show because a guy reads the article you advertised.

That's a completely different scenario. Crowder writes an article and Jamie goes to to disprove it for fucks sake. Crowder has to go on memory while jamie has a lexus nexus of of poindexter written articles written by potheads. And Jamie shouldn't be allowed to talk. And pot heads should be shot. Case closed.

Crowder got owned by the that kid Yusuf who was going on memory while Crowder came prepared. Crowder is a clown.

This is true, however Rogan is not a reasonably smart person.

Yeah, I remember Crowder having to point out several times how, on his show, you're supposed to come prepared with all your materials beforehand, and that his people don't look things up during the broadcast to (as he seems to characterize it) ambush their guests. I was waiting for Joe to pull a SSgt. Barnes and explain to the cunt that "This ain't your show."

I guess, that was one small part of what I think was like a half hour exchange where Crowder tried more than once to change the subject but Joe retradedly kept coming back to it. He was pretty drunk though.

Bill Burr married a nigress so he wins all faggotry awards by default

The lovely Nia everybudy !

There's nothing lovely about her

He even did the pace back and forth thing like burr too.

I remember when he was doing “comedy” and got punched in the face.

I can't get over how much he sounds like Vince Vaughn, especially Vince Vaughn in "Made," whenever he gets upset.

"Jesus Christ, is everybody in this goddamn house named 'Bob Risigliano?'"

Extra chromosome Ben Affleck.

Guy is prolife yet doesn't bother having children with his wife. Either he's full of shit and would abort a baby with down's syndrome, is a gay, or his wife is barren like Erock's.

Or he's shooting duds. Western mens' sperm levels are plummeting. It's only virile fuckers like me and Mel who get their women pregnant without even trying.

You had to put yourself in the same category as Mel, didn't you?

Sure. Aside from the whole beloved movie star and respected auteur thing, I'd say we are peers and equals.

You're a respect aut-something (autist).

You know he believed in that joke because he explained it in parenthesis.

You know it, baby.

I'm aware of that, I'm explaining your retardation in the 3rd person.

Are ya?

Take the hit!

A baby hit, just a taste.

hes definitely gay, he and his producer are constantly putting on dresses "for comedy". there is no way that he has never had a sexual encounter with his producer, they're in love with each other.

I wouldn't normally try to defend him here, but he does a daily show that is comparable to Jimmy Kimmel, Stephen Colbert, etc. He is doing a comedy talk show every day just like them, same quality, with a fraction of their budget.

He's working more than 12 hours a day, he's the boss of dozens of people, he created the whole thing himself, and he's 31.

he does a daily show that is comparable to Jimmy Kimmel, Stephen Colbert

unfunny garbage




What Chowder needs to do is cut out the comedy. With the exception of the first TYT parody, the guy is just not funny. All of his bits stink and his jokes bomb.

He should be like Ben Shapiro and go a more serious route where any comedic moments are created by the opposing side looking stupid during a debate or interview.

I don't hate the guy but like Matarese, he needs to realize comedy isn't his thing.

Naw, he's probably not a great stand-up, but that's not his main thing. He has funny bits on the show, and has a lot of comedian writers help.

I've only watched the free shows, but every time it starts with a scene from a famous movie, but Crowder is playing the main character, almost perfectly, but just saying different lines. It's pretty impressive, and funny.

His bits are terrible. They put a stop to the video. They're almost as bad that Nostalgic Critic's bits.

Find me one non TYT funny bit he's done and I'll retract my comments.

I remember this from a week ago about Kavanaugh being called a rapist, and they compare it to, "To Kill A Mockingbird,"

Didn't make me laugh but it's a great parody that shows why we should have the presumption of innocence for those accused while demanding evidence for crimes rather than just accusations.

I appreciate the quality of the work but it just didnt make me laugh. Sorry.

Yeah, I agree with that, but it's just the intro video to the last episode I saw. They are funnier than Fallon, Colbert, Kimmel, and it's not weak LA millionaires crying about conservatives.

I totally agree. He's so frustrating, because he's a good debater and I like his viewpoint on a lot of things, I also admire his ballsiness. Those "Change My Mind" things he does are amazing, his most recent one "Rape Culture Is A Myth" was fucking outstanding:

But at the same time he's dreadfully unfunny, yeah his bits and schtick are fucking awful. And his smug sanctimoniousness about abortion is enraging too. Im with you, I wish he took more of the Ben Shapiro track.

I got nothing done here.

I totally agree. He's so frustrating, because he's a good debater and I like his viewpoint on a lot of things, I also admire his ballsiness. Those "Change My Mind" things he does are amazing, his most recent one "Rape Culture Is A Myth" was fucking outstanding:

But at the same time he's dreadfully unfunny, yeah his bits and schtick are fucking awful. And his smug sanctimoniousness about abortion is enraging too.

I got nothing done here.

I hate his impression of Cenk and Anna of TYT more than I hate Cenk and Anna.

I want to hate-fuck Ana Kasper.

Kasparian. Ana Kasper is the name of that shotgun-face lady who Patrice said looked like she ate ten lemons at once.

This nigga look like a Menendez brother

Old looking young nigga

Listen to how high pitched his voice gets every time he DESTROYS A LIBTARD WITH HIS LOGIC!

Quebbecers are all faggots.

I like when he wears a dress! LOL.

Every time this guy talks an Anglo Saxon farm girl is forcibly impregnated by an immigrant somewhere.

I don't think he is actually gay he is just weird because he was a virgin until marriage and was into drama.

I don't think he is actually gay he is just into cock. Perfectly ok, perfectly normal.

You mean exactly how nearly every common man was (except the drama thing) 60-70 years ago? It's just that they married young but you couldn't just find a woman to fuck, if you didn't want the whole family to whip your ass because of it.

Hey you're the weird one for not fucking tranny hookers every night like Jim Norton does, that's how you know you're well adjusted

Damn, i knew there was something missing.

His wife is pretty fucking hot, you'd have to be a queer to wait to have sex with that.

Even if you're not gay, waiting until marriage just screams a whole heap of other repression problems.

He's a cocky faggot that doesnt actually deserve to be as cocky as he is. He's also a try-hard faggot.

Not to defend crowder but you guys liked Anthony cumia and worm. You are the pinnacle of faggotry.

humorless bore 1/900000000

He called Amy Shuma a disgusting whore on Red Eye in like 2008. That was really the only good thing he ever has done.

He's a good guy. His show is fun for what it is.

And he's actually wants free speech, as opposed to everyone he argues against that would have us thrown in jail for what appears on this sub.

He's like most conservatives i know. The problem is that the other end of the spectrum can't seem to shut up about their opinions and won't talk to you if you do bring up your opinions and stand by them.

His change my mind bits are dedicated to talking to people with a different opinion.

Yep and it's hilarious because he obviously knows the other side is getting triggered and can't hold a normal conversation about it.

He’s ok

I think he's pretty good.

and and and here's the sweaters are cool, see the left, theyl tell you blue sweaters are gay, but they're not. The left is connnstttaannntllyy doing this.

no clue who that is, my life is better for it.

"this is my dad jokes outfit halahalahala"

Pinnacle of faggotry is a great band name.

Oh my God this dude is stone cold faggot for sure.

At least he is an an actual “conservative”not just an angry racist who loves guns and blacks.

How is this thread not about Gavin McInnes?

I'm not a big fan of Crowder but he has some great little 'best of' bits and moments. I didn't mind some of the 'Change My Mind' videos and now and then a bit on the show will win for me.

I did LOL at 'Strip Tips' and surprisingly to me - my Chinese friends loved this one:

Never seen him. No idea who he is. But he looks foreign, probably British. So-- automatically gay.

One day the Brit Fags will come to a consensus. Then stop sending their worst faggots here.

So maybe America could have at least some respect left for them.

That's funny because he is Canadian, and I agree that somehow he looks like it.

You've got Milo now and we haven't, say whatever you like.

What’s wrong with James garner?

Can somebody explain why this waspy faggot has been on the frontpage for like a month? Twitter is for faggots so I've been out of the loop.

Another rightist pundit who claims he thinks solely with "facts and logic" but will bend over backwards for any Republican tenet there is. Nice saving yourself til marriage, Christian faggot.

I really like Crowder. I never heard of him until he hired Gavin, and now I realize he's what Gavin is trying to be.

some of the change my mind shit is entertaining

I find it strange that this sub doesn’t like this guy. He’s got some weird opinions (proud of what he’s convinced was his dual virgin marriage, pro life, climate change) and definitely isn’t a comic, but I think he makes up for it even if only how he’s proactively going after those SJW feminist owlkin twats, there are too few people going out and actually smacking them down. Change my mind and antifa confrontation stuff are all worth seeing

Yes he actually would defend our right to say what we say on here, as opposed to SJWs who would have us jailed. Apparently some of the mods are SJWs that have been culling anti-SJW posts as opposed to anti-Crowder posts, even though Crowder is one of the few people in the world who wouldn't read this sub and immediately demand it be shut down.

Hes a fag, but there are much much worse faggots deserving of our hate

He's Canadian so he's largely irrelevant. Although I do like how he ambushes people that bash him in public. It's fun to watch them squirm.

Sure. Aside from the whole beloved movie star and respected auteur thing, I'd say we are peers and equals.

I'm aware of that, I'm explaining your retardation in the 3rd person.

A baby hit, just a taste.

Didn't make me laugh but it's a great parody that shows why we should have the presumption of innocence for those accused while demanding evidence for crimes rather than just accusations.

I appreciate the quality of the work but it just didnt make me laugh. Sorry.

His change my mind bits are dedicated to talking to people with a different opinion.