Has the Long Island Serial Killer been identified by this sub?

1  2018-10-14 by nomobjustice


We knew it all along

You can thank Patton for this case going cold well into Kanyes presidency

It would be an atomic bomb if Nana was a serial killer. How fantastic would it be for this sub.

That would involve leaving the house though.

If anyone it’d be Keith. Lots of serial killers like positions of authority or try to attach themselves to security or law enforcement jobs.

He's way to much of a pussy to be a killer. He's more of a serial blower of men in restrooms type of ginzo.

We would all simultaneously cum into each other’s mouths over it. Too gay?

Someone on this Subreddit is the Long Island serial killer. Where else would they blend in?

No killings in Mastic...Interesting. Almost as if that would be a red flag due to the bashing, smart to avoid that area Ant.

This is a federal case. No answers so far

Wouldn't shock me

I bet the serial killer lives in Dix Hills. It’s a wealthy town and supposedly the killer could be a doctor. Wyandanch is the town over filled with poor blacks which is where some of the hookers probably came from.

Anthony sat there like a scared child while a couple of old men had a mild disagreement on his shitty show.

He didn't say anything to his on-air partner of 20 years about any problems he might have had with him, instead either grinning and bearing it or sending derisive text messages to other colleagues, like a woman.

He chose to walk around his home with a pistol on his hip at all times, in the miniscule off-chance that a group of wild niggers would burst through his living room windows (all the time knowing full well that in this unlikely scenario he would panic, fumble his gun and end up beaten to death.)

Long story short, he is a complete pussy and terrified of any form of confrontation - physical or otherwise. He doesn't have the sack to kill anyone. He couldn't even beat up a woman; the first time she kicked his ass, the second he had to resort to biting; like a frustrated toddler.

Keith is the killer. It's in his genes (nephew of a mass murderer,) law enforcement background (familiar with forensic procedures,) hatred of women (secret fag- frequent visitor to Fire Island - the lie is slowly turning him deranged.) Can this sub expose another killer, after its sterling work in the Oswalt case?

K which is the first letter of Keith also spells "Kill" - see how all the bits add up now?

Case closed.

On his free time he's the Fire Island Faggot.