Oh, whoops. I forgot that we're not supposed to like anything funny on this sub. Fuck me for saying that Bojack Horseman is a great show.

1  2018-10-14 by YeIsAltRight

Y'all are the type of cunts who won't even admit that Rick and Morty is fucking great.


not you again


Why do you worry so much about what members on this sub like or don’t like? Joe? Is that you Joe?

Seriouslym I like lots of stupid shit that this sub wouldn't and shouldn't like. Good Mythical Morning, FRIENDS, a helathy relationship. Who gives a fuck that these middle aged alcoholic faggots think is respectable meaterial, just enjoy what you enjoy and stop looking for validation from depressed overweight nobodies on the internet.

Friends the show or 'freinds' that weird ritual I've never experienced where you and another person gain mutual satisfaction out of shared experiences?

When your whole 'Radio shtick' revolves around hating, trashing, and being disappointed by EVERYTHING in the media, actually admitting to liking something can be seen as a sign of weakness.

That's why Ant never revealed his musical tastes. Why Jimmy or Op haven't seen a movie since 2006.

They spend their whole careers bashing everything that they could, there was no way they could admit to actually enjoying something, without their audience calling them Pussies for it.

I like to think of it as being an anti-fan, you can enjoy whatever you want, but society wants us to define ourselves by media and products and some people reject that designation.

So I say fuck it, just enjoy shit for its own sake, and besides, the conflict generated from slapping down some guy for shilling his favorite show is more entertaining than actually discussing that show.

Jim, opie and anth actually are just boring pussies btw.

Nice "helathy", stupid.

Na, you misunderstood, that's my girlfriend's name.

/Rick and Morty is fucking great

Kill yourself.

Rick And Morty is an actual show? I thought it was just a meme. Saw the short it's based on though. Marty sucking doc's balls was edgy and funny and really transgressive and.... kill me.

Besides this dude does anybody else think Rick And Morty is funny? Never actually seen it.

I like it.


I hope you get pancreatic cancer.

The subs newest and bestest burn.

oh, Mr. CK

Fuck this dude.


Anyone who writes a sentence starting with "y'all", "ewww", "ugh", or "ummm" is always a retarded cunt.

"Well" is the one I hate the most. Only complete fucking faggots say it, I've come to find.

"I find bright colors mentally stimulating. "

It's an OK show but you made iy wprse by posting this dumb thread

It's not fucking funny. Bright colors and loud sounds = entertainment for mentally disabled

Just never come back to the sub, it's clearly not for you.

Who cares what these niggers say just enjoy it

Having a rough day?

I hope you drown in szechuan sauce.