[NOT FUNNY] What psychological impact do you think technology is going to have on the children of today?

1  2018-10-13 by Flexathon

I’m fucked up mentally. A lot of it probably has to do with growing up surrounded by video games, porn, fucked up movies etc.

BUT I was born in the early 90s so a good chunk of my childhood was before technology was anything like it is today. I went outside daily, I played with friends, I went to the park, I went to the movies I went camping and on vacation, I kissed my first girl in my backyard in a makeshift fort we made with cardboard boxes.

These experiences helped me develop a personality, empathy, blah blah blah.

Today’s kids though literally and I mean fucking literally do not leave the house except for public school and required extra curriculars. They spend the most important developmental years of their lives sitting inside staring at screens while frying their dopamine receptors. Their whole existence is virtual.

What impact is this going to have on society as a whole down the road?


I’m fucked up mentally.

nice change of pace seein the tldr at the beginning of the rant

Is anything that isn’t a stupid fucking meme or pop culture reference considered a “rant” in 2018?

Lmao I pray some terrorist cell releases a bio toxin and wipes us all out.

Do you have kids? You can limit the time they get their tablets, they will spend the rest of their time playing like normal kids going outside & shit.

What you're describing sounds like a school shooter in the making

That’s a tough one, man...

When it comes down to it though, when you were old enough to make certain choices, you made the wrong ones. Every man has choices to make in life and just because everyone has the option doesn’t mean that everyone will make the same fucked up life decisions you did

I expect a bumpy patch. But then the machines will take over and life will be peaceful and easy.

A wise Italian guy once said, "Sometimes I go about in pity for myself, and all the while a great wind carries me across the sky." Your devices are the great wind he's talking about. Buck up, friend!