Amy Schumer origin explained

1  2018-10-13 by timpytimpoo


Pita Porker


She definitely hasn't been Greens Gobblin'


Ahh more misogyny. Can't wait to get this sub banned... Here come the Sammy fans boys!

Anti-Semites like you and Sam "6 million my ass" Roberts are not welcome here.

Don't project your hatred of (((them))) on to Sammy Boberts

Only vicious haters of the Jewish people do that brackets/them thing. You're as bad as your anti-Semitic, mutant idol. Get thee hence from this place.

Lol this is one of the worst brigading, racist cesspools on all of the internet. Yknow how Ant was gonna pay to get your idiotic sub banned? Well he finally sent in the big dog (me). Lol this won't take long.

Oh no! You're his "big dog??" From his kennel of Keith the Cop, Fred from Brooklyn, Brother Joe and other fat old pedigree failures?? Shit, you sound so dangerous and capable, take it easy on us, man!

Lol scared now? Your will be the first account I report. You shouldn't have said anything.

P.S. Joe and Keith are both funny and respectable men. Fred is whatever, I wouldn't insult a police officer and a biker if you know what's good for ya.

This place is untouchable, Ohanian lurks here. Do it faggot.

Is this a bit?

I don't even know any more...

Not a funny one.

The truth hurts dunnit baby boy...

Big dog? Oh, shit it’s Sam cosplaying as Roman Reigns. Better pack it in, boys

calling someone fat is misogyny now?

Get rid of that question mark and your comment is spot on old chap.

Eww. For one I hope you are not serious

Oh fuck off lol

She's all about fresh thinking and healthy eating at the pita pit

The spider looks like one of Pete Davidson's eyes.

Butthole Spiders

I wouldn't fuck her with a stolen dick.

Gwen Steaky

Dairy Jane

Blubber Woman

She didnt even look this bad 7 years ago she is aging like putrid milk.

Pigs are not born they are made.

With great power comes great obesity.

🎶Spider-pig Spider-pig does whatever a Spider-pig does🎶

Bonesaw > Regular Joe Jimmy


Lol I think even reddit normies hate Amy Schumer. I don't even think girls like her anymore, she's just so awful.

Anti-Semites like you and Sam "6 million my ass" Roberts are not welcome here.

calling someone fat is misogyny now?

Eww. For one I hope you are not serious

Oh fuck off lol