Remember when there was going to be a documentary? #WeNeedAnswers

1  2018-10-13 by any1ne


She needed da monayyyy

Let's light her up on twitter

She tends to block and not acknowledge any questions about it. She knew what she was doing, bitch is scam artist.

That doesn’t sound like her kind....

She also was trying to milk Patrice’s fans for more money for a mural but Patrice’s Mom owns some intellectual rights for Patrice or some shit and she put a stop to that fast. I think that lazy whore was trying to get 20 grand for a fucking mural.

Imagine how much paint it would take to make even a to-scale mural of Patrice

Even Jimmy slammed this shit, right on the air. Don't recall the date but somebody called in and either asked Jimmy about it or brought up the benefit and Jimmy mention it but when the mural was brought up Jimmy emphatically said no and acted like the idea was stupid.

Its difficult to get documentary equipment in to New Jersey

Who the fuck is Sansan Fibri?

Great question... probably a Nigerian prince that needs our help

I can see Von doing that thinking she'll 5x her money.

Also, 130k for absolutely nothing. What a whore.

I'm amazed she got that much. I thought it was 30k or so

I want my 30 bucks or whatever back.

She’s such a fried chicken oil salesman! We got a guy with a bum pancreas over here, and in the meantime she’s sittin’ ugly with $130,000. This doesn’t get the attention it deserves if you aks me!

Patrice will be one of the next docs I do. When ACDW is on hiatus it will either be Jim Jefferies or the first part of a 3 part Patrice series.

Good shit man you are awesome. Also any plans on doing more follow up stuff with Jason Genova? He is looking way worse these days.

Maybe. You're right that he looks much worse lately.

Hiatus? How much more is there to go?

The finale is two parts and then we're done. I just wanted to wait for Anthony's book and the Rogan interview.

Is it going to expose Jefferies as a fraud, or will it be a love letter like the Patrice doc?

Neither will be a love letter. Jefferies will be an expose. The Patrice doc will be more of an exploration of his success, his posthumous influence and then Von's scam.

Nice. I hate Jim Jefferies, everyone I know IRL is always telling me to watch his stuff, it'd be good to just send them your documentary in response rather than having to be autistic and explaining why he sucks.


up Gunta up

Didn't they post some sort of statement on why they couldn't finish it? I remember it being vague and weird, but they at least THINK they have legit reasons for not getting it done. Also they posted the handful of interviews they completed, except Colin's of course. Let me guess, that one's behind a pay wall.

With all the show biz millionaires who loved Patrice, she shouldn't have had to beg for money for this thing. I wonder if one or more of them wanted to do their own version but she wouldn't give them the rights unless she was able to control it. Of course they said no, so she had to go out and hustle up the money herself. OH, and what's the deal with this new "Patrice mural" shit? Somebody was panhandling for that shit too.

Apparently a lot of those got taken down by Comedy Central? I don’t know if they included bits of him doing stand up or maybe they bought the thing. If they bought the doc off Von she got paid twice.

did you guys forget the mural fund that was something ridiculous too?

Didn’t the opester match what the indiegogo made for this fucking thing?

Sounds about right he’s a good guy who helps his friends with projects Women Aren’t Funny or whatever the fuck it’s called cuz Vos always said it wrong would’ve been impossible without him

so, 200,000 grand - for a handful of unremarkable interviews, and they don't even release Colin's? Aww Fuck Balls.

Where da fuckin’ money

Also I don't understand why they do a Patrice Benefit every year, I know hair weave is expensive but goddamn, get a job you lazy bitch.

I've always thought that too. 1 or 2 years to 'remember' him. But after that...

He didnt have kids you can say it's going to. Just that mole

Bill Burr said the great thing about doing it every year is that it's becoming like a reunion for the core guys. Sounds like at this point it's just a reason for them to all get together. Nothing wrong with that. Other than Von getting a check for it.

Porsalin - you have to make a Patrice documentary just to show what a con this was

Did she really just keep the money?

Von is worse than Yoko Ono.

If change the channel immediately as soon as she was The air begging for cash. Bitch, your boyfriend is dead, not your husband, fucking get on with life. He was the talent, you just fucked him.

People need to harass her more about this

Neither will be a love letter. Jefferies will be an expose. The Patrice doc will be more of an exploration of his success, his posthumous influence and then Von's scam.