1  2018-10-12 by EnwardShekelman

I have an idea for one of you assholes who’s good with computers: A flash game in the style of those early-2000s hit the target through obstacles games. It’d feature a crude Sue photoshop throwing dildos into a crude Ant photoshop who is eagerly presenting his pockmarked ass. When you hit it, his face changes from his mugshot to one of him smiling. Maybe have each level themed after an O&A universe setting and a Feed Nana bonus round where Sue jizzes directly into Ant’s mouth whack-a-mole style. It’s gotta be called


Nice not knowing how to follow through on your own ideas, stupid.

I am a lazy faggot, but I can barely even navigate the desktop version of this site. I just wanna play this game.

You can play a shotgun game with a toe-trigger.

Yeah, let me get on that on top of my already busy life.

Anyone else remember that old "" website. I miss that shit. You wouldn't believe who's gay!

I have a better idea, spend the next year learning Java, build the backend, hire a font end dev/UX designer, release the product and then hang yourself as a gift to this sub.

I'm gonna need $60,000

I remember a game like this called CELEBRITY ABORTION. As it sounds, you point and click to perform an abortion for a famous person. For example, Monica Lewinsky was big story at the time and you could choose either an cigar that explodes or one that has blades to slice & dice the fetus to shove up her snatch. The latter made her gush a comical amount of blood out of her cunt.

There was also one where you have to terminate the offspring of R. Kelly(i think) & Puff Daddy. That level was called "Butthole Baby" and was the first i ever heard that phrase.