PSA: This is not a community. Stop having feelings for each other

1  2018-10-12 by Ant_Sucks

Don't say I didn't warn you. You are all dangerously close to losing your inhumanity.


in death, a member of project nana has a name

His name was Philip Marma

His name was Philip Marma

His name was Philip Marma.

His name was Philip Marma.

I know by definition he is not an hero, but can we call him that anyway?

The Irony, from the outside looking in. People wouldn't understand that we are the good guys.

I never touched a child.

I never killed my wife for the book revenue.

I was never nor ever will be a Jew.

I don't cosplay being a band member.

I didn't steal jokes from the Jerky boys.

I only jerk off to transsexual occasionally.

I could go on and on. But we're good eggs fighting the good fight.

What is humanity without inhumanity? You can’t have the dark without the light you stupid fuck.

We are soldiers, not monsters.

Why do you always get pissed off when people on this sub become familiar & somewhat friendly with each other? You act there is a set of rules where no one is allowed to know anything about other sub members. I personally just comment on things connected tothe o&a & never considered mak8ng friends friends or having a personal relationship with anyone here because at the end of the day I do have an actual life but I like when I see people here becoming close with each other, why does this bother you? Its so weird.

OP: do you really wanna mess with the psychoooo?

His name was Philip Marma