What the fuck is he talking about now?

1  2018-10-12 by antlikesteens


It comes as a shock to absolutely no one that Joseph Cumia is a fucking retard.

Um.... I think he's implying that because he likes someone, that makes him our enemy or something? I can't make heads or tails of what these nuts think anymore, they're all so convinced that they're important for more than a good ribbing.

Are implying he is ... GUILTY BY ASSOCIATION ?

The faggot from some limey shithole that interviewed him on some podcast no one watches. He tried to spam his podcast here several times, but the mods were useful and removed his posts.

Hi Johnny it's ur Reddit Birthday πŸŽ‚πŸŽ‰πŸ°πŸŽ πŸŽˆπŸ•―οΈHow Fun!!! πŸ‘§πŸΌπŸˆπŸŒ·πŸŽƒπŸŽ πŸ¨πŸ—ΌπŸ‘—πŸ’‹πŸ’„ πŸ¦„

You should post a picture of your tits.

Um no I’m not doing that..... I’ll give u cute emojis instead πŸŽƒπŸ’‹πŸ‘‘πŸ‘§πŸΌπŸŒΉπŸŒ΄πŸΏπŸˆπŸ’•

You forgot this one πŸ–•πŸ–•πŸ–•πŸ–•πŸ–•πŸ–•πŸ–•πŸ–•

πŸ¦†πŸ₯🐣 nice reddit name πŸ¦…

This is why you'll never replace SamsSeed and her quatto belly button

You should’ve met the pigeon that inspired it

"You see, most pigeons say 'Coo, coo'...."

I'll shamelessly say I don't mind Hugezhy. He is or was good at uploading the most listenable parts of Kevin Smith's shit and he helped keep up audio of Howard's show, although I know he's gone through several accounts now because of copyright problems. He also made uploads of WWE podcasts when they talk about movies and non wrestling topics which I thought was entertaining.

Mind you, this was a few years ago now and his channel became kind of obsolete but it had a great mix of comedians, nerd stuff, and Howard. I had no idea he was here spamming for views. I'm sure it's hard trying to start a podcast.

Also, he's from Occupied Ireland so I'm not sure if that's technically a "limey".

Alright boys, faggot with unpopular opinions checkin out.

I've heard people refer to a podcast in shorthand as a "pod," but I have never heard anyone refer to it as a "cast." Joe Cumia is so hateable that I can't even put it into words. Dumb fake slang creating wop.

He's an influential guy. Doesn't want to give Apple the free advertising.

considered by myself to be intelligent life

This fettuccine mongoloid judging intelligence gave me a chuckle. So did using "by myself" instead of "by me" because it sounds smarter.

he meant to type 'meself' but it kept getting auto-corrected and after 5 times he relented.

Serious question...is Joe autistic to some extent? Literally nobody uses language like this. It's so weird, even more so considering he's in his 60s.

he desperately wants to be perceived as intelligent despite very clearly being a big lumbering idiotic mook

This. It is plainly obvious he wants to come across as smart. The problem is that he's not. He has command of the English and even that is questionable.

Congrats Joe, you have the writing skills of a 13 year old.


Hes an idiot who uses the thesaurus function in Microsoft word to sound smart.

Nah. Autistic people can have at least some redeeming qualities, like gaining an in-depth knowledge of bus schedules, becoming experts in Wubsy 2, etc. Joe on the other hand is what's clinically referred to as a "full on retard."

Ib ondly a quarter retarbd, awlroight

no, he sounds like that because he thinks this is what cool young people sound like. But no actual cool people will hang out with him.

He might be LARPing Das Boot.

Doesn't sound like this sub bothers him at all

For the ban faction of this sub: could you please not ban JemKemJoe from social media? Harrasing is fine but don't mass report him for stuff.. He is endlesly entertaining . I mean fucking with Tony and getting him banned from twitter was fun becausehe was obsessed with it despite it costing him his career and his tweets were boring,but point me to another human being who can so artisically bitch about getting scammed by a fake guitar company, getting caught in a Nigerian scam or posting death threats to Sirius and bragging about his gun collection in the same post. He's fucking awesome! Antwan was getting to bot-level of either threatening people, bragging about his life to back to obscurity direct messages etc repeat repeat repeat

Just imagine: we could get BroJo on People's court 2:electric jigaboo. He's dumb enough to do it,setting the record straight as he is DEFINITELY NOT a pedophile and the judge would bring up that he posted her tits on facebook. The meme potential is there.

Although there is a bit of a gipsy curse associated with the instigator,as pointed out by Al-Kumyia himself

I agree. I've become addicted to hate-reading BroJoe's Twitter and Facebook. He truly is the gift that keeps on giving. He never fails to deliver.

He's gone full retard, you never go full retard.

Pretty sure he was born full retard

I didn’t think he could get any worse and then he said β€œyour β€˜cast”

The best part of all of these people (Joe, TrantH, Tits, Worm, etc) is how they say the same shit thinking it "gets" people. The two most popular are we live in our Mom's basement and that we are obsessed and spend so much time trolling them. It takes less than 30 seconds, on the toilet, to do 99% of the trolling that is done. Joe's self-importance is the best thing about him so hopefully he will continue

no one can ever understand what niggers are talking about

who are these "them" who tune in?

This man also somehow tweeted a screenshot of his own email exposing himself as a closeted homosexual.

I don’t think we’ve affected anyone quite so much as we’ve affected Joe. He’s absolutely lost his mind from having his head constantly on a swivel.