Blank Jim Norton Yes/No Meme - have fun fam!

1  2018-10-12 by Wolosocu


bacon, egg & cheese / egg whites and mustard

angry comedy / prop comedy

Show prep/ PrEP

Working with top-of-his-game radio veteran / working with talentless faggot intern

making current pop culture references

”Blaire's cousin Gerri”

Engaging with your co-host / checking your cell phone

Making an effort / coasting

watching movies and paying attention to current events / Never knowing what's going on

[not worth making a new thread for]()

Watching anything related to your career or personal life / Not getting a chance to check it out yet

Mattress without piss / Mattress with piss

moving the fuck on / referencing brief 1980's alcoholism

being honest/ripping off truckers

Asking guest about their current project that they came in for Unexpectedly interrogating them about a murdered family member

Having dignity/stealing 60k from truckers