Change my view: Rich Vos is a shitty hack comedian who has never said anything funny.

1  2018-10-12 by USA_America_USA

Rich Vos is a feeble crack head hack loser with a mush mouth and no bright future in comedy. He was a great punching bag for O&A, and has had a couple of quick comebacks, but outside of that, I've never heard him say anything genuinely funny.

All of his washed up "1990's insult comic" jokes are lame, and only get laughs because "hahh you called Bob Kelly fat, and we always laughed at that on O&A". He says unfunny things with a comedic cadence, and young comedians force laughter because they think that he can help their career. He follows up every joke with "OKAAY?" to audience know the punchline has arrived, because otherwise, they wouldn't know.

There is no such thing as a new Rich Vos fan. Anyone who knows who he is, recognizes him from a radio show that hasn't been on-air for years. For every fan that loses interest, there is nobody to replace them and that will be the slow, pancreatic-cancer-like death of his career.

If he didn't find a home on O&A he would be working in the lumber department at Home Depot. Also, if he had any self respect he would leave his smug, entitled cunt wife.



Change my view? Are you stealing a hacky bit from Criwder?

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He called Birbiglia a hack prop comic.

i dont know about all that but hes definitely a jew

I'm going to guess comedian Stephen Crowder is more to your taste? If so your opinion is dog shit, sir. Dog shit.

One time he told a black lady calling into O&A to go clean her house. I quiet enjoyed that.

I wish more people would let go of the Vos from 15 years ago and admit that he's a bumbling old fool these days.

Do you need closure?

Google Rich Vos vs, listen, then shove q dandelion up your dickhole.

Vos's crack buying stories made me chuckle a few times and when he tried to buy a BMW that smelled like sauerkraut was funny but that's more laughing at him.

He eatsh da cootshie okaay

He said Bonnie's ass looked like Margaret Chi's face. When he had a fire in his apartment he said Bonnie's pussy probably started it because it was so dry.

As Colin said while doing a vos impression after an average vos bomb “this guy knows what I’m talking about”

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