Compound Regular Guest Is HILARIOUS!!!

1  2018-10-12 by tunisianknifer


Jokes like that got me my first make-out session. 13 year old girls are dumb.

I find this funny. At least it’s a joke and not a viewpoint.

It isn’t funny at all



burning all the good material on twitter - not very smart

top of the wops

Hopefully that's soon.

It’s not all bad, at least we can pretend he’s dead for the entire joke.

Hope it's performed by a black doctor.

He lifted this, there’s a song in Bob’s Burgers using the same hack “awwwtopsy” joke. Whomever this guy is, he’s not only a joke thief but a joke thief with bad taste.

Yes I’m a faggot.

Right there with you homo. First thing I though of too.

Never heard of this guy.