Whats worse

1  2018-10-12 by xD_in_2016

Having a few beers while socializing with friends during the weekend.
Or edging to all kinds of weird porn every waking hour of your life, that is when you're not picking up prostitutes/escorts/camboys to plow your stinkhole.
I'm asking for a friend. Do you think this could effect his social/sexual life? He's 50 by the way.


Why not both, faggot?

I don't know but I know this bro who rationalizes his sad, anti-social obsessions and habits away by claiming he's 'addicted' what ever the fuck that means. He has no real friends and is mostly estranged from his family because of the way he is too. He's also 50.

Stop motherfuckering me you sccccccuuuuummmmbaaaag

Seems like the behavior of a dry drunk.