Anthony Cumia 2019

1  2018-10-12 by 556oo


Kraft Macaroni and Cheese

Ah shit, just saw you beat me to it

not like it was hard.

How did no one think of this sooner? God bless.

Roots that bite run deep.

Didn't that guy blow all the money that was given to him on drugs?

Most likely. He was a ni____..

Yep, after he did the whole dr Phil/oprah exploitation circuit following the viral video he ended up right back on the side of that highway like it never happened

Give a beggar a horse and he'll ride it straight to hell.

Is there an article or video confirming this? I couldn't find any recent info and would definitely be interested in reading.

No this is phooey. A simple Google search will show he has been working steadily as a radio announcer for years now. I think he did have a relapse at one point early on, but clearly eventually got his shit together. Sorry to pet you guys down, I know how much you hate a feel good story.

mintwa is a lying cunt

So he's more successful than Ant is?

You know that chaps his ass (which Sue soothes for him after).

I guess I wouldn’t what’s he’s done in the past few years, but I definitely remember a few weeks after it was in the news someone uploaded footage of the guy looking like a bum again and begging in the same spot as the original video


BUT remember, to his daughter, "I gots you a Louie Vuitton!"

Maybe he should have shopped around first, before settling on one drug dealer.


Him and homeless Mustard should share a washing machine box near the tunnel.

Did you watch that "Whang!" video, too?


I just saw that today too

I sure did.

I forgot I was even subbed to internet historian before he put this out. That brit fuck better get on his job. He’s putting out videos months apart now.

I bet everybody here is fake happy too.

Only difference is that Ted was happy to see his mom.

Ant would never by Ro a Luis Vitton purse.

"Kraft macaroni and cheese."

Have that dude sculpt this fucking monstrosity. Good lord.

I see someone watched Whang's latest video.

Just tweeted this to Ant. i think he's gonna be hella pissed, guys!

I think you're lying

“I have a god given gift of voi—WHERE’S MY FUCKING GUNZ!!??”

“I have a God given gift of voi—WHERE’S MY FUCKIMG GUN??!!”


Looks like a gay Richard Lewis.

I have the golden boypuss.

I got you a Louis Vuitton!