Thank you Burr for calling Bonnie out @28:50

1  2018-10-11 by UnclePaulsSoul


She's fucking TERRIBLE

Holy fuck I thought that bitter, unfunny twat had only become so recently but this is ancient. Listen to the resentment in her voice.

She can’t tell a “joke” without doing the cunty (In her mind-ironic) moving on...

'clam card' :)

She's a woman

Her best joke is her "career"

In this narrators humble opinion; Bonnie McFarlane should be shot to death.

Shot right in the clam.

Nice timestamp, stupid.

Richard McFarlane strikes again. Cmon, Vos.

He just hates her because she's white.

what an annoying cunt voice


That was a "Shut the FUCK UP" for the ages. Also great that it made Vos laugh his ass off.

I miss this Burr

You don't miss the dog abandoned, cucked by nia Billy Burr?


Poor pooch cold and shaking hoping it’s owner would come see him.

Reminder that Cleo Burr is double abandoned

She says "UMMMM..." after every """joke""". The sign of someone who knows they're a hack deep down.

Burr married the only bigger cunt

Bonnie stinks

You can can hear in her voice that she knew her point was complete 'flailing to survive' garbage. But of course as a strong woman she needed to stick to her bullshit feminism rather than just be funny.

wow Bill actually redeemed himself with me a little here.

you can tell he wasn't really yelling at her but yelling at Nia.

This is old.


Back around this time, I remember Burr saying on his podcast that there’s only a couple comedians in the NY scene that he just can’t deal with and Bonnie is one of them. The other one he mentioned, surprisingly, was Colin, but he said with him it was more just they’re not on the same wavelength rather than flat out hating him. Which makes sense, loudmouth dumb Irishman vs mumbling smart Irishman.

Vos McFarland Mohr Cox

Burr is like Heche from the Sopranos. He doesn't take shit from pretty white cunts cuz he has no interest in fucking them. Bonnie's not used to that.

If you can't respond to criticism just raise your volume and draw out your words.

2014 Burr still had his balls, he'd probably apologize for saying "clam card" now.

His ape would call him out on his podcast.

The shocking part is Bonnie being considered a comic. How is she funny to anyone? Who laughs st anything she says?

Retard incels who think she's "hot".

The "My Wife Hates Me" theme is so fucking terrible, it almost tops their coke logic promotional art.

Why can't you people figure out how to timestamp? it's a single mouse click.

Shame he doesn't call his own cunt wife out on anything. At least Bonnie isn't a hideous monstrosity

I dislike her and her goof of a husband.

He stopped himself from trashing Amy Schumer recently on his podcast. He basically gave it away by complaining about people who write "mmmmkayyy?" at the end of a tweet. Piggy Schumer had recently tweeted something political with that at the end of it.

Unfortunately, I heard that. I will never understand why she gets such a pass from comics.

This one. I will never understand that but for sure, her money and fame is such a big deal to these comics. For less known comics like Normand, Morrill, even Keith Robinson knows that any attachment of her name to their work is a benefit for them. That’s why Luis J Gomez is not afraid to trash her cause he can’t benefit from her. For other famous comics, they know that the feminist crowd will be all over them if they even dare to attack her.

To be fair, Bill has been avoiding dropping names in his podcast recently. I think he knows that he’s getting famous enough to be attacked by bloggers/social media people when he defends or attacks another famous person.

The fist up black power stance was definitely about her.

Bonnie's entire career is based on being a victim. I'll take dead rotting Joan Rivers over Bonnie McVictim any day.

"Start one and be funny and quit your fuckin bitchin" exactly.

Boy, he really gives her the business.
