The writing in Better Call Saul turned to shit this year

1  2018-10-11 by Ant_Sucks

It was such a good slow burning drama and now it's a corny mess

I really didn't care for 10 episodes all about how Gus and Mike dug a hole in the ground only for it to lead to exactly where they were going to end up anyway. I always assumed the basement was always there, who gives a fuck?

I didn't care about any of Jimmy's storyline. I don't care about Kim and her bank story anymjore. I miss Chuck, and because Chuck is gone Howard has nobody good to play off so he became a boring character too. Also, that gunfight with the Cousins was just embarrassing.


Tell us more.

Alright, I will!

There were too many stupid convoluted plans that would never work in reality, but we're supposed to believe they're extremely clever.

Giving us a "Good German" and a "Bad German" was an obvious bait and switch and it was only a matter of time before the Good German fucked up.

Not you!

DeRosa was pretty good.

I liked it just fine.

Yeah, I mean probably the worst season so far but better than 95% of shows. As a side note always sunny is so far one of its best seasons.

has there ever been a good prequel? Especially when its so close in date to the main show?

Glad to hear someone else thinks this. Every episode this season seemed to crawl along without a clear direction or payoff. It was all a slow build to nowhere. After each show ended I found myself caring less and less about the characters and outcomes until the final episode I had to force myself to watch just so I could complete it.

Yeah they got pretty side tracked. Do you think anyone, I mean anyone, was shocked when he goes 's'all good, man.' Like yeah no shit we all got that pun literally 10 years ago.

I actually like where it's going. The Chuck storyline had to end for Jimmy to complete the evolution into Saul. Granted, there's been a couple of filler episodes, but that could be said for practically every season.

I always felt like the show floundered and wasn't going to get better. I didn't even watch the next season yet and although season 3 was decent it was only decent for that show. It's really just not that great.

I thought the first half was really good but once they decided to give a back story to the bell I knew we were in trouble

Oh yeah, I forgot about that fucking bell, with a nice closeup too. That was just blatant fan service. No wonder the Saul subreddit cream themselves over every episode.

I tapped out of that show after the second episode. I was stunned to see them resorting to BB member berries so early on, by shoehorning in Tuco. I'd rather just re-watch BB than watch a "new" show that nudges me with reminders about how great the predecessor was.