Pete Davidson was on Kimmel last night....

1  2018-10-11 by thotwars


Funny how they force him to wear shitty long sleeve shirts to hide his awful tattoos.

Swag is forever though

If it is true that Swag is Forever, is there anything that actually can "come and go"? Thanks in advance for your answer!

shitty tattoos

whatever could you mean?

That description and reason he got the tattoo makes me glad his father wasn't alive to see what a faggot he raised.

'I died in 9/11 for THIS?'

Best comment I've read on here in a long time.

thought i was in the o&a sub for a second 😂

Is that a leg or arm.

Funny how they force him to wear shitty long sleeve shirts to hide his awful tattoos.

And his track marks.


Skinny arms look better covered

Okay, you schlubby tub of shit

He really is a dead dad having faggot.

Can we put some money together to get some Haitian voodoo doctor to bring his dad back so he can watch him die again?

You guys get the voodoo doctor to bring him back. I got my nigga "lucky" Larry Silverstein on the other part...

Pull it.

Ladies and gentlemen, we HAVE the documents!

I'm liking the NPC memes.

This guy should be living under some overpass in Brooklyn and choke on his own vomit, yet he's on TV.

Say what you want, but America is really the land of opportunities.

Only if you look like half a black person apparently



Sorry but he's jewish by genetics. Being a Jew is hardly learned behavior.

I agree, had no idea trash-boy was one of (((them)))

Davidson, David’s Son

c’mon they do all the work for ya


You’d all be dead if it wasn’t for my Davidson.

Ive never heard of a Jewish firefighter.

You're building's on fire? Sounds like you're in demand of water and the supply is limited.

I took one of those DNA tests and apparently I am 15% Ashkenazi Jew. It's some of the worst news I ever received Nd I don't know how to cope.

Fetching on here was a good start in embracing your genetics.

try putting your head into an oven

Where's this test? I could always use more reasons to kill myself

Oy vey, there are dozens of them. Just google it, goyim

We got good guys dying of pancreatic cancer and this piece of human garbage is still alive?

Life is unfair. Maybe Pete will die soon too! 😊

You guys remember how Jimmy F would crack once in a blue moon on a skit, and it would make it even more funny because it didn't happen every 3 seconds? Wasn't it nice of SNL to replace him with a moron who can't hold his shit together long enough to even act as an extra?

No don't remember that. I remember Chris Farley and Sandler doing it a few times but then came Jimmy F and he was garbage the way Pete is Garbage

Farley or Ferrell? Who’s better?


I've noticed he does this really obnoxious thing where when he cracks up in the middle of a scene, even as an extra as you state, he'll immediately look to either his left or right to share in the cracking up with his co-stars. Of course, they're professional and are keeping a straight face, so he just always awkwardly looks forward again.

take note of him always having a prop in hand so he can cover his face. pete's only good character on the show is the video game playing brainless kid.

If only it was ‘Take Your Kid To Work’ day on 9-11

Butthole Eyes

Drumpf is voldemort. Checkmate Drumpf fans XD

Pete Davidson Pete Davidson Everybody loves Pete Davidson Pete Davidson Pete Davidson Everybody loves Pete Davidson I Love Pete Davidson

Me too, bro. Me too

I don't think they even have to be on television

He truly is on fugly motherfucker.

Dad dies in 911. Son does nothing but support a side that loves to suck Muslim cock. What's left of his dad must be turning in his grave

He had a joke that went something like "You know how wrong you have to be about politics for ME to notice?!"

I hate that. We're not all your friends, Pete. The punchline shouldn't be "Aren't I a lovable goofball?"

When Arianna Grande dumps him, I'm confident he'll have an insane mental meltdown. The question isn't 'if' its 'when.'

I'll be there to twist the knife that day night

When Arianna Grande dumps him, I'm confident he'll have an insane mental meltdown. The question isn't 'if' its 'when.'

She's probably one of those people who thinks she wants to save someone because she had a family member who was a destructive drug addict douchebag like Pete Davidson. It doesn't last, eventually the misplaced projection ends and self proclaimed saviors get fed up with the bullshit.

The only thing that those 2 have in common is that they both know someone who was killed by a protector of the religion of peace.

If that's not the best way to bond someone then I don't what is.

Touching tips?

This aged too well

I was thinking the same thing. Thanks for the bump homie.

how do we ruin him

By fucking Ariana Grande.

I'm in.

"My butthole eyes are Drumph's fault!"

I wouldn't say he's a comedian

this kate mckoutchy looking dyke again

sounds like the r/chapotraphouse guys. it's amazing how quickly and without irony accuse anyone who puts forward an argument that upsets them and they can't credibly counter with "you are mentally ill"

posters like this guy must hate seeing this voted to the top

Hard to believe he got Justin Stangel to cry and quit

Who the fuck is in that writing room saying “Hey guys we should put Pete on, oh no not as a character, but as himself, that kid could riff!” I swear he’s Lorne’s twink or something.

I agree, had no idea trash-boy was one of (((them)))

I took one of those DNA tests and apparently I am 15% Ashkenazi Jew. It's some of the worst news I ever received Nd I don't know how to cope.