We should work towards getting one or both Cumia brothers to disgrace themselves publicly again, in an effort to entertain our buddy u/PhillipMarma before he shuffles off this mortal coil.

1  2018-10-11 by McGowan9

We can do it, team!


Let's do it for Phil, guys!

I misspelled his name. I am a spastic.

/u/redditardsdurr, what do you say? Humiliate yourself in public again for old times sake?


Yeah, c'mon be a sport.

I'm all for this. Joe would be the easiest to rile up as he still has a twitter.

Viking funeral sacrifice

Unsurprisingly it takes little to no effort on our part for the cumia brothers to disgrace themselves.

They're both due, it should be any minute now really

I was thinking about some way to get fagtrick and Joe against each other. Make some fake Joe account and bait fagtrick into going off on him and then show a screen shot to Joe, or something.

I'd rather hire a washed-up wrestler or "YouTube star" to say sorry about the terminal cancer on a cell phone vid.

Make-A-Wish Joe Cumia always delivers...

"Do over..(FYI- my address is easily accessible)"

Doxxed himself yet again!

I appreciate the concern everyone, but that's one reason I own what's in the pic on the right...

Doxxed himself yet again and here's a picture of the guns Anthony handed down to him. He keeps them in a gun cabinet anyone could break in to in literally seconds with minimal effort but hey, at least he can show them off to guests when they come over.

Here's a picture of him showing off the hardware.

Oh, and PS- Fuck SXM!

"My allowance really took a hit when Sirius kicked my idiot fuck brother to the curb and I'll never forgive them that!"

Yeah, real responsible gun owner. Shining example of maturity. If you have to shoot someone because you practically gave them your address and taunted them into coming over, you’ve clearly won. I thought he served? He must’ve been a cook. This fool doesn’t know anyone who’s ever taken another human’s life before. He thinks it’s something you can just casually dismiss as “they had it coming” as long as your warn them and it’s their fault. Tough guy, huh? Stupid idiot.

This fool doesn’t know anyone who’s ever taken another human’s life before.

To be fair, Ro died of a broken heart he and Ant provided.

We could pool our money to get Ron Perlman or someone like that to say something mean about Joe or Ant.

Yeah, real responsible gun owner. Shining example of maturity. If you have to shoot someone because you practically gave them your address and taunted them into coming over, you’ve clearly won. I thought he served? He must’ve been a cook. This fool doesn’t know anyone who’s ever taken another human’s life before. He thinks it’s something you can just casually dismiss as “they had it coming” as long as your warn them and it’s their fault. Tough guy, huh? Stupid idiot.