Nana Was Out Today...

1  2018-10-11 by SpaceCaseBassFace

...Which means Gavin was in, and he admittedly did no show prep, and the show was still better than every other episode of TACS. Gavin shared a humorous anecdote about how him and Ant were at the same bar recently when Missy thundered by him in a huff. Gavin asked what was wrong and she said "I GOTTA GO GET HIS FUCKING PILLS!"

It got kinda awkward after that, but Gavin was like "What, is that a big secret or something?" And Landau played it off like it wasn't, and Gavin played it off like he was exaggerating and being his usual wacky self. Apparently yesterday Nana was loaded on Percocet (which when mixed with Xanax is very potent) and made an ass of herself in front of the guy that shot Bin Laden, who was there for some reason. Nigger.


He's also on heart pills for his stent having failing ticker. And the lisping Canadian faggot sucks.

Gavin's a faggot but his shows have always been at least okay. Good to hear he spilled the beans on the old piece of shit.

There was a time when one of his live-in prostitutes got lippy he would just go shop for a new one. Now it's slim pickins for Mr. Obscurity so he's stuck with this recycled one who once trashed his house and stole from him. What a pathetic old loser.

Hi Johnny ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿˆ๐ŸŒน๐Ÿ’„๐Ÿฆ„๐Ÿ‘ง๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘—๐Ÿ”๐ŸŸ๐Ÿฉ๐Ÿจ๐Ÿธ๐Ÿ—ผ๐ŸŽ 

Wait did she really? What are the details on that?

One of Gavin's best qualities is that he is a huge gossip and can't keep a secret.

I heard from a reliable source that he drank so much t-girl cum that he had to get his stomach pumped.

Was he hanging out with Rod Stewart at the time?

Someone spray painted "little prick" on his Jag

Lol we are killing him

God willing

I face Mecca when I post here now

See if he dies before that cancer dude.


Strong ending

It's the stuff I live for

She couldโ€™ve meant his Propecia, which isnโ€™t a secret.

Can we get a clip.

Haha typical poor reddit faggot can't afford a few bucks a month to support comedians they enjoy.

Anthonyโ€™s not a comedian and no one here enjoys him.

Yes there are people here who enjoy him you stupid faggot pretending like this is an actual club of likeminded individuals, Ant is a comedian, and he employs other comedians.

He cant afford to pay his employees and still turn a profit.

Yes he can you speculating faggot. Stop talking about things you have no personal knowledge of.

Not speculation. The other shows on CP Media like ESD have admitted before that they're doing it for free.

Literally nobody there is working for free. It was a joke if ESD said it. I have actual knowledge of what I'm saying about people getting paid there, and you don't.

"Keith tells me it's all going great and I'm still hilarious."

I have actual knowledge of CM salaries

good to know, not Ant.

You're really fucking stupid if you think Ant is the only person who could know that.

lmao ok Keith.

lol Ant, how's life without Twitter?

No-one enjoys Ant, he's not a comedian you fuckwit.


Nice spelling, stupid. Plenty of people enjoy him, just not many of you liberal faggots here.

Are you actually that fucking dumb? No one and no-one are both widely used. And it's punctuation, not spelling, stupid.

Turns out Joe couldn't stay away, as if we're children's spit

You're truly a pathetic fag with nothing to live for.

Dude I am as right as can be and I fucking despise Anthony.

No you're not as right as can be. Name how.

He bombs abortion clinics

Comedienne, maybe.

So he's hooked on the percs again. That's wonderful news

Did Gavin rack up a line again and do it on air...that guy is CRAZY!

Well what's the use in complaining

When you've got what you don't need

Anyone would think you were hard done to

What do you want me to believe....

That is some great life Missy has carved out for herself

a wet brain isnโ€™t enough, it has to be scrambled too

As a young woman would you rather fetch your boyfriends drugs that he's addicted to, or your boyfriends medication that he needs for blood pressure and cholesterol?

And would a saw palmetto and a baby aspirin mixed in just make you wetter than spring?

Was she at a pinochle tournament?

Xan-thony Cumia

Lil xanthony. Someone photoshop that.

Missy Muscles has wasted the best years of her life playing payroll GF to that decrepit old pedophille and addict. You just know she's counting down the days till Anthony drops dead of another heart attack so she can loot the McMansion (again).

Kinda funny how Anthony pushed the 'Greggshells' thing, when clearly the few people left in Anthony's life have a list long of sensitive subjects that can't be brought up or mentiined to him.

Thatโ€™s sad tbh

I can't believe his liver and kidneys are still functioning. His liver will probably go first. Nana the dialysis patient would be quite the story though.

Especially with the Percs. All that Tylenol can't be good on the 'ol liver.

He died 3 years ago, his body is just too drunk to realize it.

Why the fuck is he on percocet now too?

because percocet rules


He went in for a root canal yesterday. Traditional values Nana only abuses prescription medication like any other good ol' conservative.

Oh shit Gav was on! I'm gonna check it out.

How to turn a negative into a positive.

It amazes me that some people not only keep paying, but actually listen too. Thank you for your service! I don't know how you do it.

Anyone got a clip of Gavin talking about Nana's pills?

Where the FUCK are my PILLS? FUCK!

No you're not as right as can be. Name how.

Not speculation. The other shows on CP Media like ESD have admitted before that they're doing it for free.