It all makes sense now

1  2018-10-10 by RelevantField


Why is it ok to say there are too many whites in entertainment but pointing out the fact that there's a lot more Jews in the media than anyone else is ((anti-Semitic)).

If most shows have similar charts, I don't think it's even debatable anymore.

Because kikes.

Jews are 2% of the population yet they make up 90% of hollywood! Free speech! I'M IN CHAINS!

Just a cohencidence.

It's a weird trick to mirror and flip the thing to make it look like hundreds of people are involved. Nice propaganda, stupid.

This is pro jew propaganda. OP has been compromised. I LOVE JEWS!

Has anyone watched this show? I picked one at random and not even a chortle. Maybe I'm too old? There must be some people that find this funny.

my girlfriend made me watch a few episodes. There was a guy so dumb he might as well have been retarded teaching the kids sex ed except he was a virgin. It was funny when South Park did it, but really preachy when these cunts did it because the whole episode became an advertisement for Planned Parenthood

Why are there so few Jewish people working on this project?