[Serious] Is there actually evidence that Ant is mixing xanax with his alcohol?

1  2018-10-10 by OminousDestruction

His behavior would suggest it but at the same time he could just be an alcoholic retard. I'm looking for concrete evidence.


What? You want receipts?

firstly, why do you care, and secondly, what more proof do you need,other than the verbal diarrhea he used to spout on twitter every night

It could lead to a quicker death which I would be very excited for

fair enough, im sorry I questioned you

He's admitted he has a Xanax prescription (it's been alleged Dr. Steve helped fill it) and he's always drunk, so I'm sure there's overlap. It's pretty obvious in several of his blacked out drunk Periscope karaoke videos.

Hadn't ever heard him say that but he's so deep in obscurity how could I?

I think he was talking about it during one of Dani's Periscopes. They were both trashed.

Yeah lots of shows near the end, is when he would bring up his Xanax use because he supposedly stopped drinking before and after work.

Hey dr steve 😘

Im sure thatll work out. You beating old women that you think are in the fbi and the returning home and waking like nothing happened.

His entire life and all of his decisions.

Yes. He used to be a famous radio DJ with a multi-million dollar salary, he got to drink, shoot guns and hang with James Bond, and he occasionally banged models, porn stars and TV personalities.

Now he has a struggling podcast network that is run by an incompetent cop, he hangs out with Bobo, and he fucks trannys.

Is that the evidence you were looking for?

This about sums the Anthony Cumia Story, no need to buy the book

Dats evidence

[Serious] I hope so

As a musician I'm an unassailable expert in knowing what drugs other dudes are on. Back when he was chewing on Dani, Anthony seemed to be on a combination of booze and a depressive/anti-anxiety pill. Do they still sell 'ludes? If not, it was "bars."


Rock and roll maaaaan!

Anthony is now mixing percosets with Xanax and booze. Lethal 🍸

Xanax and opiates is the most lethal combo IMO. The difference between a good shot of heroin/a good high and an overdose is literally like 1 or 2 bars. The only times ive ever needed to be Narcanned was when i was mixing benzos and dope.

How does it make you feel knowing that there are firemen and EMTs that occasionally "forget" their narcan when they go on OD response calls?


"Good luck bro"

I couldnt care less. Fuck 99% of junkies.

Yeah you mixed benzos and heroin. Mix benzos with straight oxys like a real man.

Oxys dont hold a candle to good dope.

Probably not but I'm not about to ruin my life by getting hooked on shit that isn't from a pharmacy. I'll stick to a shitty but manageable life.

All of it stops working/just sucks after a while. Its pretty fun for the first decade though.

Good, I got about 5 years left. I've definitely noticed despite how long I stop doing them it still takes more to feel it now.

Yup. Every time i relapse i think 2 or 3 30s or a few points of dope will fuck me up. Nope. Ill get a few tingles and that’s that. Its like my receptors are just shot or something. I had gotten to the point 5 years ago that to get high, id overdose every time. Id literally waste $100-200 a day just to be somewhat happy, not even high. Fuck all that. Im a weak idiot for falling for “ill just do it once a week” type thinking.

Yeah at this point the only reason I'm not an "addict" is because they don't come around often enough.

They just expelled 9 students in 7th grade for distribution of heroin+pills in my little back woods middle of nowhere town. Its everywhere. Stay safe and get some narcan. Theres no reason for anyone to die from overdoses with the abundant availability of it around.

is percocet and xanax even a fun combo? Wouldn't that just put you to sleep?

people this is a [serious] thread. serious answers are needed, not downvotes

Known in the business as The Patton

I want you guyss expert advice here. How much xanax + alcohol will kill you? I did half a litre of whisky and a 8th (maybe a 4th i dont remember) of a mg a few times and it was fun as fuck. I have no memory of most of the night except when my powerful brain forced me to puke so i dont choke on my vomit when i sleep.

I ask because everyone on drug reddit is a fag thats like uuuuhhh any amount is bad. I know stupid but theres an amount thats very fun too.

I wouldn't recommend mixing them at all. Do you want to be doing the same shit Nana is doing every day? Nigga made himself retarded from combining that shit.

Ugh what are you gay? I havent done it for a while and its not much different than just getting blackout drunk. Everyone in other reddits says the same jim norton do none of it advice but i just wanna know how much is really bad and dangerous.

I think as long as you dont totally overdo it you're good. Not sure exactly how much you can take of each, maybe search drug forums? Alcohol and opiates is another story.

But in this case,thriwawawyy actually should over do it for all of our sake

If you get up to 4 or 5 bars a day, you have a serious problem

Lol you’re right, and as much as you think is fun, you’re not gonna die, you don’t die until you start doing that shit every day or stopping and wrongly estimate your tolerance, or if ur like a high school kid vastly unable to tell how much they’re really drinking, I guess I could t give you an exact milligrammage but basically you’re not gonna die just having a good time and playing it by ear

Even the amount you took could kill you under the right (or wrong) circumstances. They both act as central nervous system suppressants. When you fall asleep your central nervous system naturally suppressed itself to a degree. So the combination of all of that is pretty dangerous. There are also other variables that factor into this. That’s why sometimes people do accidentally die from this combo even when they’ve been taking the same “safe dose” for a long time but it hasn’t killed them. Obviously people can take a lot and drink with it and not necessarily die, too. It really is more dangerous and unpredictable than you’d think.

Ok guys i have a serious announcement. After years(2 times) of xanax and alcohol abuse im getting sober. It sure was fun pissing on someones car and not remembering it but those days of light mischief are behind me. Geniunenly. Seriously.

Go to a meeting, dude

Geniunenly. Seriously.

Hmm, would you tell us though?

Im tired of you trying to motherfuck me. Go slip in a puddle of sars you zilch

Dying to it feels pretty random, I've mixed benzos and alcohol probably 100 times or more in the last 5ish years and unfortunately am still here. I started it as a "hey this might kill me" thing and when it didn't I realized it was kinda fun.

So I just kept doing it.

I never had an issue with it, but two bars and a six pack was my regular amount.

Xanax takes about 20 min to kick in. Take some 30 min before u start drinking, then it's really easy to gauge what the effects are

It all depends on how much you drink and how much xanax you take. Its unpredictable tbh

mixing alcohol and xanax is pretty much playing russian roullete with your reputation

Don't mix bro, I always recommend good ole cocaine with alcohol and that is it.

I used to mix booze and benzos every day for a year in college. Theres no magic, universal dosage to hit that sweet spot because it depends on the individual's tolerance to each drug and there's a fine line between a fun, barres out feeling and just blacking out. That said, I don't mix the two anymore because you can die pretty easily if you fuck up the dosage.

Any amount will definitely kill you. Please send your stash to me and I will properly dispose if it. Miss ya, love ya

Thats why hes on Twitter all day. The phone is a comfort object for his benzo withdrawal

If hes physically depended on alcohol, some alcoholics take benzos to avoid withdrawals. They act on the same receptors (GABA) in the brain so the brain basically functions like it has alcohol in it. They also prevent seizures in alcoholics too.


Dunno and while I hate Nana as much as the next chap on this sub, I can say that I do sometimes and I highly recommend it. Mix a few rips of weed in too and you're in for a relaxing evening.

Dave Landau?

Pretty sure he said he got a Xanax prescription because of the contract negotiations during one of the greggshells episodes.

Like most gay men

I hope he gets into fentanyl.

I mixed them after a night shift. I had a weird upsetting dream I took a bath in my clothes and text people really personal weird things. I woke up and slowly had this realisation I had this terrifying dream, then an ever scarier realisation there was wet clothes on my bed and my phone and laptop were broken from being in water. I sent all the messages.

Horrible. I've never fucked with them since.

Yikes. Anything come from the texts?

My girlfriend left me and I alienated some friends I still don't talk to.

hey look at us we don't even post about ant any more after sending him to obscurity, congrats again "us"

-delusional faggots of r/opieandanthony

He's actually made quick remarks about taking xanax on the old show.

Without a doubt. How could that monster sleep at night otherwise

Every time you degenerates talk about drugs I feel like a teetotaler.

Im sure thatll work out. You beating old women that you think are in the fbi and the returning home and waking like nothing happened.

This about sums the Anthony Cumia Story, no need to buy the book

I couldnt care less. Fuck 99% of junkies.

Dats evidence