Too late Ann...

1  2018-10-10 by Ant_Sucks


This is a great time to spam those Anthony Cumia articles and reddit post of all of his debauchery.

Do these folks not know what a degenerate piece of shit Ant is or are they just willfully ignorant?

I'd wager willfully ignorant. Or they read stuff about him and think it's the left going after someone with conservative values.

not everyone can search through the absolute pits of humanity like we do. combing through every detail about this monster's personal life to expose the dark secrets he has hidden away. this is our gift to the world. appreciate it, world.

I’m honestly stunned someone like Ann Coulter even knows who the fuck Ant is at this point.

Ann's more mercenary than Blackwater - she doesn't care

Ann and Ant think and act the same way except Ann is a white woman

White man*

Man I bet her asshole tastes fantastic.

no question about it

Notice it's been years since people have regularly used tranny comments against her.

this is the same cunt making millions telling everyone to invade iraq 15 years ago, and now that all those muslim teenagers grew up to become isis or refugees, she can make millions more telling everyone to be isolationists with trump

She just needs a few more surgeries and you wouldn't be able to tell her face was burnt off if you just glanced at her.

Permanently banished from society? You might call that...being sent to obscurity.

I saw the "negro doesn't read comment" before, but the "trade him in the racial draft" comment is crazier especially for a CNN commentator, even though she is just stealing that Chappelle Show bit.

Those comments are benign to us, but that's some real ingrained racism, for two people on a CNN panel. Saying a negro doesn't read, and he should be traded, on CNN, that's pretty crazy for SJWs.

Black people never have to face any racism in this country, except when they support any type of remotely conservative point at all

Well institutional racism is against Asians more than anyone, but just in peoples' heads racism is getting worse because of SJWs.

The people who get shit on the most are women who think feminism has gone too far, and black conservatives.

The thing about Republicans is they were never on the bad side to black people. Even in the late 60s/early 70s civil rights era, Republicans voted more in favor for black rights than Democrats. Obviously, Republicans beat the democrats to abolish slavery, they never were against blacks in any civil rights issue.

50 years ago Anthony would have been a Democrat for sure.

Well institutional racism isn't real, but Asians do get screwed by affirmative action. Other than that, I agree.

I just think of it as what that term would mean. Institutions have affirmative action policies, so they are racist against Asians more than anyone else.

I don't think it's good to indulge in their terms though, never let them have an inch

That's a term that should backfire though, because the definition and logical interpretation of institutional racism is laws or practices in an institution that are racist.

Asians are already suing universities because of it. Affirmative action is the most spot on example of institutional racism.

Maybe, I've just seen enough Republicans engage on progressive terms and it usually doesn't end well as opposed to just pushing back.

Never apologize to them, never give in to their hysteria, but use their own tactics against them. Some people can sit on the moral high horse, but some people may need to fight dirty like they are. We're literally talking about a term they created, which is hypocritical and inconsistent, they don't care.

Maybe, I guess fake news worked pretty well.

That depends on which Republicans you're referring to. Guys like Barry Goldwater, while not themselves racist, weren't exactly crazy about the Civil Rights Act. And Democrats that actually were racist (your Strom Thurmonds, Harry Byrds, pretty much anyone from the Solid South) ended up switching to the Republican Party once the bill was passed.

Barely any Democrat politicians did this switch to Republican, which is talked about. Harry Byrd who you mentioned was the leader of his area's KKK clan, was a Democratic Politician, and someone Hillary Clinton called a friend and mentor.

Black voters switched from 90% Republican, to 75% Democrat back in the 1930s, because of "The New Deal", which had huge welfare progams. They did that for benefits way before the major civil rights bills we think of.

The South of the USA switched more Republican over many decades, as polls of the South showed they were becoming less racist.

*Harry, not Robert.

The point is, Republican or Democrat these guys were simply not liberal. They were arch conservatives that still hold the same voter base in the south (that's were the whole Southern Strategy played an effect) Political parties were less partisan then, so one party wasn't the same ideological wise like now,

That's the big myth though. The Republican Party never really had to change. They obviously did as individuals, but they didn't really need to change party platforms. Even with the Civil Rights bills we think of most recently, Republicans voted more for them than Democrats by percentage. The Democratic Party had to change constantly over time, they went from slavery, to the KKK, to now, and suddenly claim some morality when it comes to race.

The Democrats want bigger government, and promise to give more to people. If you work for the government, it's in your interest for Democrats to be in power. That means most teachers and professors are Democrats, because they work for the government, and hence we are taught a more positive view of Democrats through American history, and a more negative view on Republicans.

But I'm talking about the individuals that make up the party. Notice how the the Democrats in 1860, the Democrats in 1960, and the Republicans in 2016 all seem to have a big stranglehold on the South? It's the same demographic it's always been down, regardless of party.

In short: the South don't care much for negros, whether they vote for an R or a D.

Like I said before, black Americans completely switched parties after The New Deal, in the 1930s, because it meant getting more from the government, even though they new the Democrats were still the racist party.

People in poor urban areas still vote Democrat because of resource transfers via the government.

The USA is not voting based on race, they vote based on economic issues.

You can't say the south is racist, they vote for Republicans, therefore Republicans are racist. That doesn't work logically, but also the first premise might not be a fact.

James Wood doesnt get banned anywhere or from anything. James Wood humbles you.


It bothers me that she put Ant in the same category as Alex Jones, let alone JAMES WOODS

Ban all of them from society? Is that not heaven?