Patty McFatshit's other twitter got poimanently suspindit

1  2018-10-10 by PsychopathyRed

shitty book writin nigga


did he say something stupid? or was it ban evasion?

I'm sure it's ban evasion. They wouldn't have suspended him right off the bat if it were for saying something stupid.

I think it was the gay pornography in written form that was so incessant

"I brought tens of millions of eyes". He said that. I think he believes it, too. Never saw a bigger nobody convinced he was a big shot.

I was thinking if this were a Rich Vos plug I was going to constantly downvote you until my thumb went thumb. Bravo sir.

nice digression, stupid

I wonder if he'll use a Soprano character for his next alt account as well.
