“Give me crack and anal sex”

1  2018-10-10 by RBuddCumia


Gay marriage was a huge mistake, look at these two?

"white lies" is a perfect tag to this

“We don’t do crack with our mom.”

No no no no no, we don't do crack with our mom

Ahahahaha. Nonononono.

"we dont shower with our dad"

Nice beer gut, stupid!

what is with ant touching his siblings tits

  • Smoked crack with his mother & her boyfriend ....

  • Stared at his Dad's cock while in the shower with him ....

  • Openly wanted to fuck his first cousin ....

  • In all likelihood, fucked his busty sister ....

Anthony Cumia truly is a low-life piece of shit.

Made his mommy dress slutty

Yes. That too.

Gary Cherone looking homos

They thought they were white growing up... hahaha stupid fucking niggers.
