Hahaha fat pat writes an insufferable wall of text on FB about his twitter ban

1  2018-10-10 by greygooser


No thank you


Is this faggot for real?

What a faggot. Only 12 year old girls and Tranthony care this much about Twitter.

Boy, you can sure tell he's a writer. Most of that is bullshit, and even the parts that are true are drastically embellished.

Anything to convince his loser friends that he's a victim.

Thanks for the copy pasta, fat boy.

Anyone over the age of 30 this obsessed with Twitter is an overbearing narcissistic child.

Will Wheaton is less of a faggot ass pussy than this guy.

And right away, he's gotta mention how many followers he had. You know, in case you were wondering. What a rosy-cheeked imbecile.

twitter doesnt care, and niether does anyone else. you're another skidmark that has been pissed off the inside of the toilet bowl. im cracking open another cold one, this is glorious

He has the receipts!!


Whitest white boy ever targeted by white supremacists? That sounds a little far fetched

its the plot twist of his next book, stay tuned

He’s one of those guys who likes to pretend he’s a cool, tough motherfucker who gets in bar fights all the time and all the brothers call him nigga out of respect. Bizarrely he still keeps putting up pictures of his stupid fat Cupid-looking cuntface to make it very clear he’s about as cool as shitting yourself at school.


Joe Cumia should fuck this guy.

he should write a shitty sci fi novel about this. Or not

what a stunningly boring man.

I would be too fucking humiliated to post anything like this for my friends and family to see. They would rightfully rip my ass apart, because they're my friends. Unfortunately for Fatrick Tard over here, narcissists don't have any real friends so nobody is going to really intervene. I bet all his "friends" are just other fuckass poofs like him all living a big fat lie and patting each other on the back about it. The mutants of this subreddit are the closest thing he has to true friends lmfao

fuck ass-poofs

Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This comment was inspired by xkcd#37

Stupid robot

He thinks people are tuning in to these updates, like it's an episodic fight for justice.

If him and Nana just assumed their roles as "boring guy that just promotes his shit on Twitter" they'd be much happier and probably wealthier.

Tens of millions of views per month? Yeah ok

It's as legit than Ant's 100k subscribers


He threatened to shoot and kill people who disagreed with him. I hope this fat sack of useless retard shit dies, very soon.

Watching grown men cry and act like an injustice was done to them because they were banned from Twitter is absolutely pathetic


Homophobes?This is the most pro-LGBT sub on reddit.


you are gay and an idiot. Fuck off.

That's ok. I thought about quitting this site anyway.

This made my day

What a dummy. This guy contributes nothing, no insight or content besides 'hey look at me!' His writing is shit too and it's emblematic of his whole character. Empty arrogant meaningless bullshit: "In today's social media environment..." You don't need to say that, stupid. We know what you're talking about.

you are gay and an idiot. Fuck off.

That's ok. I thought about quitting this site anyway.