How the fuck does anybody listen to Cumtown with that giggling woody woodpecker retard Stavros and his annoying laugh?

1  2018-10-10 by andyareyouok

Tried numerous times and I just can't fucking stand it. He ruins every LOS he's on too.


It's unlistenable. Nick Mullen is funny but I can't get past Stavros.


You should have clicked save after the first sentence.

I’ve never heard anyone say this before

First I've heard of it too

You get used to it, it becomes like reverb or something

Non-faggots do not get used to it.

I agree. I've actually tried my best to listen and I hate that guy. I also remember him being on LOS one time and the video showed that the fat cunt kept leaning into the mic to cackle louder than anyone was talking. That specific instance genuinely pissed me off and I've avoided him since.

But you are a faggot and appear to dislike it so I am confused.

We also get used to regular bowel movements. I guess youre too much of a non faggot for that too

I agree with this but the deep voiced monster truck announcer or whatever he does is still jarring every time.

S-S-S-S-S-Suuuuck my diiiiccckkkkk

Trapaholics voice?

[Stav announcer voice]

That's gay as hell bitch.

I keep reading that, but it's so distracting and irritating. He doesn't even back off the mic, the fat cunt!

It's worth it for the Chinese Elvis bit alone

There's been a month of episodes where he was gone and the show was akward and mostly bad. It just encourages Nick to keep a riff going. His dumb laugh just works for the dynamic of the show just like dumb Opie planning out and steering the ship worked for O&A.

Yeah but the Stavbot episode was an absolute classic

I think Nick has the mental capacity to both be himself and Stav. For the uninformed:

I forgot how hilarious that was

The guy who did the animation did a really good job, it adds to it.


I'm sorry, it was pretty good but jake Flores almost ruined it.

I've heard that lame excuse before, and it's a crock. If Mullen needs that much prodding to be funny, then he's not worth the effort, and if Stavros can't find a way to nudge Nick forward outside of the most obnoxious sound on Earth, the show is never going to get any bigger than it is. There's a reason it's bitched about as much as it is, it's a huge barrier to entry for a whole lot of people. So no matter how big a problem "Nick has keeping a riff going", Stav is by far the bigger problem.

If Mullen needs that much prodding to be funny...

Jimmy needed Ant's prodding to be funny - most of his best lines on O&A were from trying to impress Ant. Stav provides a similar role for Nick.

That said, his laugh is fucking annoying.

If Mullen needs that much prodding to be funny, then he's not worth the effort

You sound like a jilted lover lol, either listen to the show cause you enjoy it or don't there shouldn't be any effort involved

I don't. Gave it a few try once when he was saying shit about norton, those few minutes were more than enough me.

lol it makes like $80k a month you dumbass

So? Could make more. Don't think so small, it's going to hold you back.

It reminds me of the old O&A days where good jokes always had Danny's stupid laugh getting picked up by the other microphones. Sure it might be a little obnoxious but once you get used to it, it just pumps up the jokes a bit

Than had the worst laugh, I couldn't stand it.

Nick is autistic as shit. He was literally in special ed as a kid. He goes full sperg if anyone mocks him in streams. He just stopped doing the show for like a week or two because he was pouting when someone made fun of him. He needs that stupid laugh track fucker or he becomes a boring loser.

Adam Friedland is worse he looks like some kind of kike praying mantis.

His fucking frog laugh is worse imo

Froggy style

He has a terrible laugh too but at least he doesn't loudly blast it into the microphone for the full hour of the podcast even when he doesn't understand a joke that was made.

I feel like hes the Opie of group, he sucks but only because he is the most normal. Hes a kike. And the fact that he acts like a kike is hilarious. Stav is clearly a serial rapist, and like every serial rapist he is obnoxiously liberal

The good thing about Adam is when Mullen is done wiping his ass with him, we'll never hear or see him again.

Adams worse. Yeah stavs laugh is annoying but if anything it benefits the jokes on the show. Adam consistently interrupts and even stops bits just to spew basic irrelevant facts about whatever the subject is

Nobody does

Take it back

Take your tiny dick back to the tiny dick store.

I have a visceral dislike for his stupid face.

At this point, I think it's a deliberate troll. Both he and the other cumtown guys have heard it so many times, he could make a conscious effort to not sound like a hyena every 30 seconds if he wanted to. Apparently, deliberately annoying potential new listeners is just their gimmick. Good luck to them, no matter how much the hipsters praise Mullen as the only Podcaster worth listening to, I've never been able to listen to more than a few minutes and I don't see that changing.

Besides laughing like a Bob & Tom hack after jokes he also adds in the phrases “big ass titties” or “little ass dick” from time to time

And "think that guy fucks?"

I can't tell any of the people on that show apart but it's funny at times

Who watches Opies show at all? 😂 u autistic fucks

Yuck, a cry emoji. Leave that shit where it belongs. For 14 year old girls commenting how great Ariana Grande is. You fucking homo.

U hurt my feelings 😢 Mr.ImMatureCusIDontUseEmojisCusImInsecureAboutHowImmatureIActuallyAm 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😉

That dumb fat greek really ruins a good podcast. He brings nothing to the table


Hell yea dude


nobody on that podcast besides nick is even remotely funny

I like it it makes me giggle, i know i'll despise everything about the show in a few years but dont ruin a good thing so early. I enjoyed O&A for like 8 solid years and now can barely listen to it because of this angry shit tip.

Cause it adds energy to the show and it's not as bad as all you whiny bitches say

idk honestly. I always liked him even from the first ep I listened to. Adam is much worse, like on the soul level.

It doesn't help that Adam is an actual pedophile.

If you don't fuck your own dad, keep Stav's name outcha mouth but then slide it in again, then out, then slide it in then slide it out then in again, then slide that shit out, then in, yeah....

Some people say the only similarity between Cumtown and O&A is the nigger jokes...

But we all know it's because the shows are about barely closeted faggots denying their love for each other.

It's the last place in America this love still doesn't speak its name.

I hated it at first. You slowly forget how annoying it is.

It's almost as if all the O&A wannabe shows suck, am I right guys?

I think it's a laugh track for Nick Mullen to make jokes, he is absolutely shit but I think I kinda get why he's there

idk man its a funny show

It used to bother me but it does go away. Like a lifelong pain you get used to. Now I just notice it when someone else comes in the room and it’s just embarrassing.

I gave it 20 seconds and turned it off forever

Nope. I'm not having that guy's overthetop retard laugh in my life

It wears on you but it fuels Nick and that dude is funny as fuck.

It stinks and I don't like it.

I’ve never had a problem with Stavs laugh. I don’t understand why it gets people so worked up.

I didn't even know who he was before last week, but he was on Bennington last week for one segment and I couldn't even handle his laugh for longer than 5 minutes before I skipped over the segment. He's radio poison.

that sam roberts type of laugh got to go