Protip: when pock marks prove to difficult for Photoshop, try steel bars.

1  2018-10-10 by the-stugots


It's not like anyone will see it.

God, I legitimately hate the sight of every stupid swollen HGH head. All these retards just look like Lord Farquaad with cancer. Like why the fuck would you drink light beer your whole life just to swell your dumb fucking head up to beer bloat proportions anyway? Anthony is also such a pedophile that he looks like an even bigger creep without a goatee. I can't wrap my head around that. This dude is just completely fucked

And think of all the artificial enhancements he spent tons of money on to look like an ugly Grandma, what a tard

I get what you mean about the goatee, but it actually makes sense when you think about it. The creepiest slime-scums you would expect to be clean shaven. It gives a more intelligent appearance, like as if to imply the capability to do truly dastardly deeds. Send bombs to the government using mail, tie a dame up to some railroad tracks, that kind of thing. Facial hair on the other hand is more along the lines of good-natured folksi-ness. Psychologically it has a tendency to put people at ease. There's almost a vulnerability to it ... you don't have to worry about what the big ol' lug might be hiding in his brain. Beer and sports and not much else.

Not that any of that shit is actually the case in the real world, we're just talking about peoples' perceptions, on a primal level.

u/Futhuhmucker this makes fun of Anthonys facial scarring and may hurt his feelings. Do you approve?

Whenever I see this, I imagine him taking the little dropper thing and clicking on his face, then choosing the brush and gently wiggling the mouse in his dumb hand trying to perfectly cover his craters. Then after a few more drinks, he gets frustrated, selects the biggest brush and just swipes his cheek and calls it a day.

Clone tool or healing brush?

Eraser would have been my choice.

Whatever's the opposite of "emboss", because that restores him to his original form.

Also make sure to grimace in a way that "shows off" your fake teeth. You spent 20 grand on getting shards of toilet bowl porcelain screwed into your head, may as well put them on display!

I’ve never understood his insecurity about his teeth to where he went and did that. How bad were they? For as much as I give him shit for his awful hair, I get it. If I head the money I’d see what I could do to not go bald. But the teeth? Really? What did joe think he was going to be gracing the red carpet every 5 months?

I hear you but they were pretty bad

Necronomicon lookin mother fucker

I don't think he really needed to order the interns not to look him in the eye.

It was for their own safety. Direct eye contact with him would turn them to stone.

How else would he steal their youth?

Jesus. I’ve seen skeletons with better chompers

that's also known as "crack mouth"

Was that taken right after he opened The Ark of the Covenant?

Lol is this real?

"And maybe kiss you..."

My tummy hurts

you are gay and an idiot. Fuck off.

That's ok. I thought about quitting this site anyway.

Dude get a life. I'm starting to feel bad for you. So pathetic

It's all good. Thank you for your concern.

I can only imagine how sad and pathetic your life is to care about reddit this much. Get a grip, my man

You think I'm making it too easy for myself to get upvotes?

Haha you got me there. Good one

Especially for a radio gig where no one will see them.

His face is the topographic map of africa, if one pays close attention, one can see the Nile and the Sahara Desert.

More like the Nevada Proving Grounds.

Looks like he's taking a big nig pipe right up his fag ass.

What's the point of that cover art? Like seriously, why did he think it might be a good idea? If I wouldn't know who he was I would think that he is somekinda pedo radio show host who recently got out of jail.


Ya fuckin' Kindergarten level reading retard.

He has cauliflower face.

I dunno about you guys but I personally think putting a book cover of him being prison raped is a bold and brave decision, if not a little unusual.

It's so funny how he sees himself as an angry truth-teller hurling vicious reality bombs at spineless libtards when in reality he's a giggling smirking feeb doing ethnic jokes based around thirty year old movie and TV references. His book cover photo should be the face he made after proudly announcing how he was "fucking...his brother's girlfriend's daughter", with that desperate approval seeking grin on his stupid face, as that's the real Anthony.

This is legitimately a bad picture. I can't believe he's using it for his book cover.

Given the state of Ant's income, they probably couldn't afford a real photographer. The picture was taken on Keith's phone and Photoshopped after he watched a couple YouTube videos about layers and adjusting colors.

It's really amateur.

Steel? That's pure concentrated Xanax, brotha.

More like the Nevada Proving Grounds.