How fucking tacky.

1  2018-10-10 by RBuddCumia


No way

please tell me this is photoshopped

I wish I could tell you it is, buddy. I wish I could tell you it is.

He had these picks printed for his "act"? So he stole their likeness/images to promote the shows where he steals their music to make a shitty living?

He is a man who can never be beneath our contempt. I hope he dies immediately and I don't care how.

Can we get these reported?

I like your thinking. The Hendrix estate is known to be very litigious.

There's no way that's real. Post a pic of you holding it, not a flat jpg

It’s from Joe’s Facebook.

I wonder how many copyright violations he committed with those images.

But that's not real life

screengrabs are easily manipulated

Why does Jimmy Page look like the English guy on The Jeffersons?

Fun Fact: He's also on a Seinfeld episode.

Was this airbrushed for him at the boardwalk in Seaside?

He pulled his daughter out of school for the day so they could go down there and he could update his wardrobe to the latest airbrushed tank tops.

What's most sickening about it all is that thieving hack honestly thinks he, himself, is of equivalent talent to all of those musicians.


He's not good, and not even fucking close to these guys.

He reads tabs and plays songs. I did that years before I could even read music. These guys innovated, actually understood harmony, could improvise, listened to orchestral music and jazz, and most importantly, wrote.

For this retarded jukebox monkey to compare himself to them is not only heretical but classic over overcompensation for a no-talent loser. He constantly talks like he's the "guitar guy," which is what fags who suck at the instrument do.

Joe, what are the 'stats' for J. Hendrix?

Anyone else notice anthony at the bottom of the pick?