Mrs. Landau's Flight to New York Has Arrived

1  2018-10-09 by namefile


We don't do Terry Clifford yuma on this sub. See yourself out.

How dare you?

W e have a 500 lber at work who broke all the chairs

What job can someone who weighs 500 lbs do?

Pushes buttons on machines and measures things

She should measure her calorie intake more carefully.

Gas station bollard?

I had one as a coworker who once had a small coughing fit and shit herself. There was a brown streak down the middle of her chair. Not only did she not get to go home for awhile after cleaning up, she wasn't allowed to use another chair.

Harsh but fair.

Eww colorectal cancer havin bitch

u/Futhuhmucker this post might hurt some feelings and isn't playful ball busting.

How offended are you?

Thetoolman's wife is fat

You loooooove me, huh?

Well as a critique of this subreddit and defence of Anthony, you said such pearls of wisdom like...

I like The Bonfire because, although they sometimes tease people, they do it very good naturedly .

Prove the kid fucking first.

I know you wimps get very defensive when your edgelord 4chan horseshit is critiqued at all.

Nothing wrong with giving a loyal fan a tour of the host's house. Jim Norton did an episode of "Cribs", Ant was just offering a more exclusive experience.

It's embarrassing to get fooled by a dude pretending to be a girl. Makes sense to delete the thread. But then again, Melissa Stetten said he is a pedophile, and her word is gospel. If that bean pole says it, I'm instantly convinced.

What fan wouldn't want to visit the compound?

The invite to the compound didn't have "for fucking" at the end. Just East wing or west wing. That's part of your "proof" and I say it's not proof of anything.

I like seeing how strongly you'll defend your psychotic obsession. Really, this all started because Anthony did poorly at a roast and said he didn't like your little online clubhouse. Before that, nobody really had a problem with him.

Mocking one of, what 4, public figures, every day, many multiple times a day, for years, with a nefarious end game in mind is creepy.

At the end of the day Ant, Jim, Sam, Joe, even Opie are all essentially better than you.

It's the endless obsession. Mental illness plus poor comedy writing makes the O&A sub

The fact that you lunatics think jocktober and the Derosa abuse ranks anywhere close to the endless obsession of this sub shows how unhinged you are.

Ant made fun of your online clubhouse, and you all went on an endless bitch fit, where you endlessly congratulate yourselves for your edgy, take no shit posts.

I have no idea if his feelings are hurt or not, I'm not Anthony, so I can't ever know what he's feeling. I'm making fun of your weird goal, which is to cause real harm as much as possible

Ugh, you dope. I'm making fun of your bizarre goal of causing harm.

As for him being attracted and flirting with young girls, yeah it's creepy and kinda gross, but does it really affect you enough to spend 4 years screeching about it?

Or like Girl, Interrupted, where the goal seems to drive Ant to suicide, or at least true financial ruin. Now go ahead and compare yourself to Jocktober, you guys always do.

Was that playful ball busting? All the Rose Cumia corpse Photoshop pictures were just harmless silliness? Looked more like malicious intent to me. Like you wanted to really hurt the feelings of a stranger because....upvotes? Perhaps I'm just not XXXTREME!!! enough to get that level of humor.

You're really misunderstanding me, here. I'm not defending a pedophile. I'm insulting a community of liars who pretend to be bothered, shocked, or offended by words and (possibly) behaviors that used to not bother, shock, or offend them.

I'm saying that I, like Anthony, am a legitimate fan of that young lady's Vines. She's a comedy prodigy, she is.

Yeah, those Vines were really funny.

When I was 14, if I could get a PS2 or a plasma TV for eating out a 50 year old woman, I'd have done it.

...So I was just hoping you could provide some constructive criticism so that r/opieandanthony would become a less traumatising place for you to visit.

Sweetie boy reads every word I write, and always will. I have a super fan now.

“Sweetie boy” “You can't tell which of those lines are legitimate which are facetious, and which are totally me lying.”

Of all the responses you could’ve had to that brick of autism, this has to be one of the weakest and most effeminate.

As opposed to your Alpha, badass, super tough online persona? Ok, either way, you fell for quite a few 100% fake comments from me. Say what you want, now, but you fell for it again and again.

Whoops, my bad. I take it back. That was the funniest fucking response I’ve ever seen posted. Well done.

Dummy fell for my bait, and now you're taking your ball and going home? I'll give you one for free, I've never seen the vine videos in question. I made that part up.

No go on and review all of my other comments with a fine toothed comb, compile all your damning evidence, and write another overly long comment. Do a good job, and I'll even give you that all important upvote you love so much.

Step 1: post comments that make me look like a sensitive crybaby pussy

Step 2: pretend I was being facetious

Step 3:

Step 4: profit

The problem was her ticket was for economy class, not cargo

Fat shamers should be banned from this sub.

oh shit.

How about fat Schumers? Can we get rid of those too?

Come on man, I’ve been a regular here for years. Why wait all this time before calling me out?

You're special Pat.

How are people supposed to get to the job site with this bitch blocking up the way!

She looks happy guys

Those people are known to be jolly

Is she fighting them?

Gravity is.

"Lady, you can't order six hundred double cheeseburgers unless you call first. Get your fingers out of my mouth, what are you doing, bitch!? SECURITY!!!"

I think you meant “get MY fingers out of YOUR mouth”.

Do I have to do everything around here?

Nah, she was bowling ball his ass.


Was the plane able to get off the ground?

Is this the plane that dug-in just after taking off from Baghram?

She’s fat and I would not have sex wih her.

These guys are 10 times the hero Pete Davidson's dad was.

You know what duuuuuude?!!!

The black guy definitely got a rod.

Dummy fell for my bait, and now you're taking your ball and going home? I'll give you one for free, I've never seen the vine videos in question. I made that part up.

No go on and review all of my other comments with a fine toothed comb, compile all your damning evidence, and write another overly long comment. Do a good job, and I'll even give you that all important upvote you love so much.

Harsh but fair.

Eww colorectal cancer havin bitch