Dudes with smaller mules than Gregg "Opie" Hughes - 32/?

1  2018-10-09 by McGowan9


"it's my big dick, an I'm ready right now!"

I'm the biggest star here, man! I don't need this shit. Fuck you, you're not the boss of me! I'm the fuckin boss of me, I'm the boss of Spuds!

lol, that was in the movie!


I love this phase of GOH. Just after the mob caddy gig and when he purposely threw away the legit modeling career for porn n radio

What state? The state of California? I know where the fuck I am Jack!

Paul Thomas Anderson is simply the greatest filmmaker of his generation.

Too bad he fell off a cliff after There Will Be Blood.

The Master?

Two good scenes in that movie. It was a character study with boring characters. Also, Joaquin's character never really bought into the cult, so there wasn't an actual conflict with Hoffman (other than Joaquin being a psycho and Hoffman a liar).

I saw it as more than that. Brilliant acting by Phoenix, Hoffman and Amy Adams, beautifully shot and a great score. Thematically it was rich, layered and (I thought) intentionally left unresolved and kind of opaque. Certainly a film that deserves more than one viewing.

Nothing you posted contradicts what I claimed. I mean, I like a movie like Drive, which has barely any plot--or Mad Max Fury Road--because it at least gave me something. The Master is, for the most part, a boring movie with boring characters. Take There Will Be Blood, show ALL of Daniel Plainview's sociopathy up front, and have him not have a conflict with Eli Sunday. That is The Master. Joaquin Phoenix literally served no purpose in the film. It could have been a movie about a cult leader whose world was falling apart, but instead, it was a movie about a psycho briefly hanging out with a cult.

Wasted potential.

I saw it as being about Man's need to impose belief systems on himself and society, in order to avoid His brutish and animalistic nature and the struggle that that can entail. It was also seemed to be a commentary on post-ww2 America and its search for an identity. But maybe I'm reading too much into it. Anyway, movies are obviously completely subjective so whatever.

I thought it was mediocre it the first time I saw it but on rewatches I fucking love it.

nigga, The Master and Phantom Thread were masterpieces.

this is uncalled for

Marky Man doesn't have a nice piece.

Dirk Diggler does!

The Opie love on this sub has hit true faggot levels.

I only come here because about 1/10 posts are just excuses to post dick pics

Wasn't committed enough to post the rubber Diggler dong.