1  2018-10-09 by ihaveholeinmyass


Wonders why he'll die alone....

Lmao. This nigga Chip's eye about to fall out of his head.

Looks like he having a hard time breathing too. Nigga gotta be a little on the slow side.

If so, God be with him no bs.

Nigga got no chin. Just face and neck.

Kenny was there as well, looking like a dumb pelican with hes jew beak

All these niggas look like birds

hoo hoo

How can you look like a worm and a bird at the same time?

Eat egg whites

Early bird gets the worm.

Ah, the golden days of pre-prop comic Chippah.

Pre-prop and pre-PReP. Those days are forever gone.

Never pre-pared, either. Yeahhhhhhhhhhh.

This was the funniest thing Jim has ever been a part of

If so god be with him, no BS

My old man used to hit birds in the head with a shovel and then we'd watch 'em wiggle around until they stopped. Wish I had a shovel...

Your father sounds like a charming fella.

"birds" if you get my drift...

If he's British, it means women.

God be with him no bs.

Wheres this boys chin? Nigga just has a mouth and neck

profile of a frog looking douche i bet if he was in a commercial his only line would be "Bud"

Oh it’s you

Explains why he like worm shaped genitals

Got a nigga

Ribs hurtin today.

His shit in the mouth fetish comes from his baby bird instincts.

Worldstar got a nigga ribs hurtin ta-day.

Nigga got no chin. Just face and neck.

hoo hoo