Bonnie McFarlane admits that Louis' accusers didn't give a shit, were laughing about it and were just pissed they couldn't mention it in their set. Skip to 1:01. Fucking vindictive cunts

1  2018-10-08 by Ant_Sucks


I'm 4 minutes into this dog shit and nothing about Louis. Nice time stamp, stupid.

It's 1:01:00, stupid.

I love how she mentions that without talking shit about them. Silly cunts...

Also why the fuck were you listening to this?

To find stuff to gossip about.


Thank you


im really glad the tiemstamp was corrected, i'd hate to be this person's situation.

You and me both

Thank you for your service. Allison Rosen's show is hot garbage.

Thanks girlfriend

You're doing gods work, can you listen to Jim Jeffries shows and log his transgressions by date?

God bless

Also why the fuck were you listening to this?

We need answers.

I love how she mentions that without talking shit about them.

You really think modern Louis CK would talk shit about women who ruined a white man's life? That fucker voted for Hilary because shes a mother and made a documentary about aids ridden black faggot gangsters.

Reminder that he used to always brag about never spamming the users on his newsletter, but then he spammed them all with a very emotionally charged letter from him about how Drumpf is literally Hitler.

the amount of pink & sparkles on that website made me laugh (at you)

im not listening to this i just wanted to say hit women

Just hit ugly and fat women.

If they are ugly and fat they aren't women. You only hit the ones worth improving.

No, neither of them are hit women, otherwise they wouldn't be complaining on a podcast.

Let's get this trending.


for slightly easier listening

(((Allison rosen)))


She ugly

Wait, you expect me to willingly listen to Bonnies horrid voice?

Oh here we go again now everyone pretends they wouldn’t bang Bonnie and she sucks keep lying to yourself guys

Rich said she's constantly shitting. I prefer my washed up old hags not to stink of shit.

That just makes anal a bigger challenge. To each their own I guess.

Bigger challenge? Sounds like she’s clearing the runway for landing.

Every guy thinks his wife or live in girlfriend shits too much. It's why ass eating is reserved for strange women that don't shit.

I've always "loved" Bonnie like a little boy loves a picture of a pretty girl. Her being an insufferable bitch changes nothing.

Iunno is she really that bad? She’s not like big Amy or Sarah level seems like she just has her own opinions about stuff, if a girl is always trashing feminist shit it’s kinda weird anyways we get ittttttt you’re one of the guys!!!!

She sucked a professor's dick for a passing grade when she was in college.

That sexy MILF whore disgusts me.

Bonnie’s a good egg.

I hope they actually get metood up the ass

Nice lazy eye, stupid


Louis CK goes on stage and talks about how evil white men are. Why should these women not be allowed to talk about how CK is an evil white man. Everytime you fuckers stick up for CK. I want you to look up his GQ photos. I want you to listen to him say white men should be banned from comedy and how they are from another planet and how white people are evil


Get woke, go broke

Pretty much. They laughed about it and joked about how it happened and were just pissed they were told by managers not to bring it up.

Thank you, Brothaman.

that pic has to be at least 30 years old..

Anal Cunt references will always get an upvote. (Fun fact, Anth's old band Rot Gut played with AC once)

Fun fact: I was at the Cleveland show where Seth Putnam performed after coming out of his coma, still in a wheelchair.

That sounds like a good time. I saw them in Rochester, and it turns out that Carl from WATP was at the same show. (There was only like 100 people there) How great is it that the guitar player died by "falling off an escalator at the mall." It's just too perfect.

Fun Fact: Chris Cornell killed himself.

When she keeps saying the “Comedy Central table”, is she talking about the table at the Cellar? Because if so, she sounds like a civilian dunce.

Hey Bonnie, nice stupid sister, stupid.

Everything that I hear about Doug Stanhope makes me like him more. I love that he told Bonnie to her face that women aren't funny.

My wife and I argued about this once. She was upset that I thought that. I had to explain that she's the exception to the rule. She doesn't even have any female friends, because she can't stand hanging out with women.

she's the exception to the rule

Sorry buddy, your wife isn't funny.

Exactly. He sounds like Bill Burr talking about Nia.

"She doesn't even have any female friends, because she can't stand hanging out with women."

Lol! Keep thinking that.

The reality is, she doesn't want competition around. All of her "guy friends" are just future prospects to replace you.

I literally found my wife's boyfriend because she was too lazy to replace the last one.

The easiest way to make your wife happy is to get her laid.

You seem like an observant fella. I'm sure you found your wife a wonderful boyfriend.

I hope everything works out for the three of you. 👍

Oh I've never met the guy. And she's never met my mistress, although she knows I have one. The fastest way to scare off a side ho is introduce them to your wife. (Found that out the hard way.)

Believe women, even when they're lying for attention.

Fuck this fence rider. Why are you posting this when we all know this chameleon will just go on someone else’s podcast and agree with them that Louis deserves a life sentence?

Bonnie is a one-woman chaos theory.

I feel like I need to tuck my dick between my legs listening to this shit

Bonnie is just trying to be part of any narrative because she's a desperate hack, just like her husband Rich Vos who will be performing at the Omaha Funny Bone, Oct. 11-13th

Oh look, miserable women wanting company. No. I stay miserable on my own ty

Never forget that Bonnie’s good friend Anthony Bordain killed himself because he paying to silence victims of sexual abuse while trying to fight for victims of sexual abuse. Hypocrisy at its finest.

It sounds like the fuck up is that people told the women to not mention it.

Had they included it in their "comedy" as Bonnie mentioned them wanting to do, nobody would have heard it but they would have felt as if they had already been open about it. Hopefully then they wouldn't have had to blow it out of proportion with the metoo movement.

So 20 years later these broads start reminiscing about the past and come to the conclusion that some things aren't as good today as they saw it in the past...

Great! you're 20 years older, you bitter cunts.

Alison Rosen is a giant retard.

that is the worst fucking intro i've ever heard

Listening to two women talk is excruciating.

That just makes anal a bigger challenge. To each their own I guess.

Thank you, Brothaman.

Every guy thinks his wife or live in girlfriend shits too much. It's why ass eating is reserved for strange women that don't shit.