Bobbi Roberts 100% fucked Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka.

1  2018-10-08 by nomobjustice


Sam could have his hair like that, but chooses the revolting balding bozo cut

Why would you give something that looks like Sam HGH ?

Should have been cyanide.

Yeah, with a fucking toe attachment

He looks like a fucking alien

He lives like one too

Sam's like 15 in that picture.

Beat me to it , lol

Fun fact - Sam was 15 in that pic

One in the pinhole foreskin'k, two in the stink'k, bruddah

Eh-guah-guah-guah-guah-guah, brudahh

"with his little legs dangling, kicking his velcro shoes"

Too bad he didn't brain Sam on the side of some freeway

he's showing the camera the finger maneuver he just did to his mother

unfortunately he didn't throw her head first into a hotel sink too

Even back then he looked like a conniving little shit.

Two murderers.

This comment should be upvoted above all others, and should be the title of this reddit picture post.

“I use these pingers on ‘im, bredda”

Look at this little creep.

I wish that were Ottis Toole instead of Snuka.

He is 100% inter racial.

I wish that kid went shopping for a vizio sound bar

The fucker, to my dismay, has already outlived most who've been diagnosed with Craniodiaphyseal Dysplasia, look at Rocky Dennis, ffs.