Googled "feed nana", found this

1  2018-10-08 by iwontbeherelong190


oh, you beautiful bastards.

God smiles upon us.

Branching out to the literary world is a great idea for this sub

Management loves the new direction.

Probably outsell old cumios book

Gotta teach yall niggas how to read first

Not if the audiobook comes out soon

The renowned author posts here frequently. Hes a good egg.

Should put that in broadcasting. It would outsell ants shit book.

free kindle is different, need to pay for a seller account I think to chart next to ant

Who is this in reference to? The name Nana sounds familiar I just don’t know who we’re referencing.

The story of a young confused man who pushes all his debaucherous feelings deep down inside and drowns it in alcohol.

You mean you made this and want to pretend somebody else did

no, I mean I googled it, and found it. if i had made it, i would take the glory, you cunt


its english, you cunt

I made this

it's when I was trying to chart a book next to Ant's but found out free kindle books don't chart the same way. You need to pay for a sellers account to chart one next to ant's book

thank you fartpoop22. god bless your work

You just happened upon it, huh, Rakeel?

I didnt make this

look at my other comment

"Feed Nana: The Story of a Moor!! HA HA HOE LEEE SHITTT!!"a

Not Rakim Smiff

One job...

dont shoot the messenger, buddy

If this was put in the broadcasting section couldn't you get this to no. 1? Is The Moor's own book out?

I dont know man, like I say, im just the messenger, I googled, I found it, I reported it back. but sure, i dont see why not. speak to u/fartpoop22

my understanding is that you can self publish for free, but it won't appear in those sections. I spent plenty of time searching for the correct category and it simply does not exist when you self publish a kindle book. I believe you need to make a seller account (which I think cost like $40 just to make it) to chart alongside ant. I like fucking around but I'm not spending real money on this

Think about it.

$40 to get it in the same category

216 copies need to be sold to beat Ant by 1

216 x 1.27 = 274.32

274.32 - 40 = 234.32 profit for your pocket baby

You misspelled Moop. I'm sorry but the answer we were looking for was the moops


Seinfeld reference

sick TV reference brah

I'm anticipating the film adaptation.... /u/porsalin

Feed fucking Nana

Someone still needs to put something up for $0.01 so we can all buy it and outsell nanas book

Publication date: September 4, 2018


He should have visited his dying mother "Moor".