Sopranos Pilot

1  2018-10-08 by F_H_Rileys_MaitreD

It has been many years since I watched The Sopranos, however, there is some Cumia symbolism I want to share:

The Ducks:

The transsexuals and the underage girls in Anthony Cumia’s life are like the ducks in Tony Soprano’s pool. There is an unhealthy obsesssion with these ducks. Tony goes into his pool to engage them and throws bread to feed them, but it is an unhealthy and unnatural relationship much like trying to lure trannies and underage girls with iPods and breast implants is. Tony’s family watching from the house and commenting is symbolic of society and the the house itself is representative of sanity and propriety. The man feeding the ducks is unhinged. While Dr. Melfi gets Tony to admit that the ducks represent a fear of Tony losing hs family, the inappropriate sex partners for Anthony Cumia are less symbolic and are an obvious resugnation of his masculinity, and ultimately, as the pathology unfolds: heterosexuality. Discuss. Also: is Joe Cumia Artie Bucco?


I think this post is symbolic of you being a queer

Tough but fair

Artie was brought down by his own naivety. Joe is more of a Paulie.

Artie was a much better cook than Joe.

Ant is more like one of the Dagos sopranos makes fun of, who take second hand enjoyment from the mafia while unironically talking about "the blacks" ruining everything with their crimes

Woke up this morning, lost myself a gun