You faggots already forgot

1  2018-10-07 by YosefAL


It seemed like a good idea at the time. Besides, she it was ok

This isn't your gay treehouse.

Is this his "I'm voting for Hillary because she is a mother" speech?

The very same. She got those lady guts.

Louis CK is an awful Jew faggot who deserves to be destroyed but I still can't support a man being done over like that.

Nice shades of gray, stupid

Should I have been less nuanced and more anti-Semitic?

Do the bit

to paraphrase louie, if you use awful jew faggot to describe louis ck what would you say when you see judy gold

awful jew dike.

oh literal litetalotherkin


If we can’t cherry-pick our values then what the fuck is this sub for?!

Fair enough

Fairer than enough. No sub is more progressive than ours. We literally are wonderful people.

I agree.

2016 suit wearing louie was obviously starting to crack under his fame

Boy let me tell ya That Hillary is a doll ! A real peach of gyal! What ever happened to that cunt?

I got elected but I still don't get no respect at all! None at all, I tell ya.

Now let's hear from my personal physician, Doctor Vinnie Boombatz!

I never cared to begin with

Louie was dumb? Shocker.

This is what I hate about the metoo movement, they make me defend people I fucking hate. I always thought Louis was a pretentious douche looking down his nose at everyone else, funny sure, but arrogant and elitist. I think Kavenough will be a shit judge who just protects corporate interests and keeps making decisions that drive the country further in to the ground. Yet, I have to get in arguments with drunken frat boys and entitled whores in bars because I don't think they're rapists. Fuck this gay Earth.