Do you guys think, after this Kavanaugh nonsense, that the Republicans are going to sweep in November? Did all of this idiocy blow up in the face of the Democrats?

1  2018-10-07 by TangerineReam

Or vice versa?


Tough to tell right now, but the Democrats did make themselves seem silly quite often. I think it'll hurt them, but I don't envision a clean sweep.

It'll be a close defeat on the dems side: They'll lose out of spite, but they wont lose THAT bad against the Republicans. That's what it seems like

They'll do slightly better than they would have if the Democrats weren't being Team Hateful Cunts right before an election, yeah. But that's their thing now. And it was always gonna be Democrats barely winning or barely not winning the House and Republicans keeping the Senate. "Barely not winning" just got more likely.

Beyond that: I think Trump's probably getting back in on 2020, but not without a long, ugly fight (again) which will probably result in literal violence at polling places. Who knows: That might even just happen next month.


Both teams are coming to play. The dems are doing their thing, the republicans are doing theirs. It's going to get really heated soon and may the best team win.

Thanks, middle of the road Jimmy

You motherfucked him.

It's gonna get heated to be perfectly honest with you, this shit goes fawkin deep. Washington left the middle class behind a loong fawkin time ago.

"You’re not wrong."

Democrats will do just fine. It's a mid-term election and the "opposing" party always does well. Also, I don't know how you can look at this and think that it hurts Democrats. See the following links. More people believe Ford than Kavanaugh and record numbers of people oppose Kavanaugh. Angry people are more motivated to vote than non-angry people. Republicans would have been much better off if DJT just nominated a conservative, female judge instead of pissing a lot of people off.

Democrats will do just fine. It's a mid-term election and the "opposing" party always does well. Also, I don't know how you can look at this and think that it hurts Democrats. See the following links. More people believe Ford than Kavanaugh and record numbers of people oppose Kavanaugh. Angry people are more motivated to vote than non-angry people. Republicans would have been much better off if he had just nominated a conservative, female judge instead of pissing a lot of people off.

I would say (because their reporting is biased here) that more people - at least - respect Ford's claims, because they don't want to go full steam ahead against them, if she's actually telling the truth. They're not fans of Kavanaugh and what he'll probably do during his tenure, but at the same time they've had it with the #metoo and #believeallwomen insanity. That's where the Dems are fucking up. Trumps initial victory proves that it can and does go too far, and that people - even liberals and the Bernie Bros. to a degree - are tired of the left wing, and know that a swing more toward the middle in this country is what we need, to even have productive dialogue again.


I think theyre all jews and i hate them

Agreed but Republicans seem to be our best bet at keeping the mud people out

the bellwether race is going to be if Beatoff ORourke beats Lyin Ted Cruz. If he (beeter) wins he'll probably be the next president. The country will become more dependent on corporations and government and the global economy and the world will hate us for doing it wrong. If not, satus quo until 2024. The country will become more conservative and independent and the world will hate us for doing it wrong.

voting is for people who think alcohol cant solve all problems

I saw it coming, I just wasn't sure what image it would be.

I assumed the micropenis one. This is a nice curveball.

The Republicans will do something to fuck it up. This shit-show goes in circles, which is fine by me as long as I get to watch a bunch of people get salty over partisan fluff.

It is going to hurt Republicans in the house. The suburban women aren’t happy about Kavanaugh. It is going to help them in the senate where Dems have to defend seats in deep red districts.

If McConnell were smarter he would have dragged it out till after midterms to make it a voting issue. The map is that bad for democrats in the senate.