Reminder: right now Opie is making 9 figures off investment income and Anthony is fighting off a pack of rats for an apple core

1  2018-10-06 by consul_m_vinicius



Look, if you offer good microwaved cooked food at a fair price, the people of Huntington will flock to a place I am not allowed to name.

the microwave is the chefs best friend, as i recall


Those rats need to listen to that sweet girl on Cameo.

At a beach house with Lynsi or in a non air conditioned basement with Fred from Brooklyn, Big A, Bobo, and 12 other smelly fat fucks.

Still this faggotry hasn’t passed. Never thought this place would get this low.

Steve C yourself and de-faggotize this place.

Hey sorry to you hear you aren’t a fan of the Opster, brotha man. To each his own!

leave then

Ant has also driven his real estate value down by being the garbage neighbor

It always happens when blacks move in to the neighborhood

Is this shitposting or has opie been talking about investments on that podcast?