Baby fucker.

1  2018-10-06 by RBuddCumia


crypt keeper


u/Futhuhmucker comment?

Fair and accurate

This title is especially great since probably most of you didn't know that Anthony Cumia actually wrote and performed a song where he professes his sexual attraction to female infants, and how he loves to rape them, including anally, and afterwards he dismembers and beheads them. Of course this was done in a French accent and didn't acknowledge it was actually him singing the song.

Holy shit. I remember that song from the most offensive song contest...And thinking back, it really did sound like him. Where did you get that info from?

By listening to his voice sing the lyrics? It's pretty obvious that it's him.

So stipulated.

Didn't he also sing, "Horny For Little Girls"?

You mean Anthony “Serial molester of children” cumia?