Fags with worthless psych degrees: is there a case to be made for Anthony's rape by Buzz at 12 and his pedophile tendencies today?

1  2018-10-06 by Single_Action_Army

Lotta pedos you hear about got molested as youngsters


I have no degree to offer, im just a run-of-the-mill drunk, but id say you may be onto something

a lot of people fuck a lot of people​ and most of them are assholes

Nah. Molesting kids is how you make gay pedos, not straight ones.

Old guys who are into teenage girls are almost normal dudes whose pubescent sexual attractions are their strongest feelings/ideas/images/etc. re: the opposite sex. The rest of us eventually abandon the hot teen noodz because we can't stand anymore how stupid and annoying they are. Jailbait lovers don't care, or they romanticize the girls' childishness; it reminds them of their best old days when they felt most.

Occasionally, old guys who missed their age-appropriate chance at hot teen fucking become fixated on and chase after teen girls forever. This is also where child-porn-collecting nerds come from. If all Anthony's adolescent sexual experiences were with adult women (and sexy mom!), maybe that's what's up. He wants to go back.

"The rest of us eventually abandon the hot teen noodz because we can't stand anymore how stupid and annoying they are."
This implies grown ass women aren't annoying retards

as an armchair psychiatrist, yes

No pedophile tendencies tend to happen to people who had to develop mental defenses way too early because there were a lot of physical and/or emotional threats in their early to middle childhood. Their true self still feels 6 to 12 years old and as a consequence they're sexually attracted to people either in that age bracket or to older women. Older women more to provide a sense of security and nurturing that mommy used to provide.

Since we're dealing with a man whose default response as a child to parental conflict was crying because mommy would pick him up and comfort him, I'd say thats about right. Ant's ego and the hollow machismo he developed over the years (hard drinking gun guy) would never allow him to seek nurturing with older women so he fucks kids. But the cousin panties video proves that he's not really disgusted by older women, he's just too insecure to pursue them romantically.

My practice is open during business hours if any of you want a free first consultation.

i got beaten as a kid, and i dont want to fuck them, so your point is invalid

Not yet.

I got beaten as a kid and I fuck kids. So that's one in the yes column

Yes. Isn’t that obvious?