Not to get all MDE up in here, but this kid saved up his money for a year to buy a PS4 for his soyboy father...

1  2018-10-06 by TangerineReam


Poor kid. Growing up without a father would do less harm.

that kid is creepy as hell.

Meanwhile, whats hilarious about this was Anna Gastyer or whatever didn't want her son to become a faggot. Yelled at Larry for gettin' the little nigga a sowing machine, even though my mans loved it and probably would've married a very masculine fella when he got older.


You can act like a man! Whats the matter with you.

Wait, so the kid is playing the role of the father? What?

someones gotta fuck his mother

The man of the house gets his cock sucked before the jacuzzi.

*emphases on SOYBOY

emphasis* and soyboy is the gayest fucking insult ever. God you guys are homos.



Good for them.

No, not good for them. Not good for them at all!

What's the point of life when you can't be happy for others?

Well you can't blame the kid. He probably say his step-dad's tattoos, and earrings and thought "Well, he's not going to want tools or books".

You Americans and your consumerism madness... So he saved his father's money to buy him shit that no man needs or wants? This is retarded. Build something or paint a damn picture - that's more precious for a parent, to know he gained some skills under his roof.

Fucking ew

or paint a damn picture

How did you somehow think up a scenario even gayer than what actually happened?

As a parent, even if it was my money, and kinda a silly gift, the fact that he saved that money up is a good life skill I’m sure dad was proud to have imparted onto him. If I had to choose I would want my kid to know how to save money not draw a shitty picture. I don’t know where you get that myth that pictures are more precious either.

I don't get it, what's going on here?

That boy ain't right.

Meanwhile, whats hilarious about this was Anna Gastyer or whatever didn't want her son to become a faggot. Yelled at Larry for gettin' the little nigga a sowing machine, even though my mans loved it and probably would've married a very masculine fella when he got older.

emphasis* and soyboy is the gayest fucking insult ever. God you guys are homos.