Funny comedian is funny

1  2018-10-06 by smokedrinkvape


So...make women uncomfortable & rape them? Sounds like a plan.

I'm way ahead of the curve.


"You are hanging with the wrong people if their raping women."

"You’re ignoring a massive epidemic in our country with lazy, ignorant quips that you mistake for wit. You’re a coward, and somewhere in the back of your head, you know it. It haunts you. Stop living like this."

Faggots like this are totally incapable of accepting any sort of criticism or differing worldview, but they want to preach about tolerance and acceptance.

Twitter sucks

This guy is going to get so much pussy now.

i was on the fence before but now im decidedly pro rape

Ian Karmel? More like Eatin' Carvel asumptin

Only a rapist would say shit like this to cover his behavior up

True. It's like guys constantly talking about fags to cover up their homosexuality.

Don't check my comment history.

He’s a such a protector of women. Almost like a movie star. I bet his cum tastes amazing.

Twitter fucking stinks. Buncha knobs trying to one-up each other.

I thought you said he was a comedian? He states that he is the head writer for James Corden's show.

Stop living like this! No!

Top comment: people need to confront and cut off your racist/sexist family members

What sick fucks. Yeah, so what if your mom and dad reared you and gave you life? They made a Chinese driver joke. Better disown them forever.

I hope the theory that only rightists are having children is true because these loathsome cunts erode the most basic values we have left.