Welcome to The Compound...can I offer you a Bud Light?

1  2018-10-06 by any1ne


I always imagine Cumia just floating from room to room looking for his guns

I always imagine Cumia just floating from room to room looking for his guns

You misspelled teenagers.




and some stale christmasy chips

Except instead of having no reflection in a mirror, Anthony's face just instantly shatters them.

Nice to see his scars finally healed up

I've visited a few of the places that they shot Nosferatu at, it was awesome.

Bram Stoker’s widow went after this movie hard and nearly every print of it was destroyed. The single one that remained is the only source for this films existence today.

My point being, it’s 2018 and women still ruin everything.

That’s not anthony that’s from Nosferatu

Sorry didn’t hear you can you repeat that

Actually I think this gentleman is correct, if you look at the picture the man is much too white to be Anthony.

Watered down bud lights cause we are cutting costs

How about a Amazon Kindle

I always imagine Cumia just floating from room to room looking for his guns

You misspelled teenagers.